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I don't think they should. Unlike the lantern, which was a drop anyone could get, the bottomless firepit skin was only for early access players. If they just gave it out, then it would make the use of the skin as a gift to early access players useless.

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20 minutes ago, Chicken_ said:

If they just gave it out, then it would make the use of the skin as a gift to early access players useless.

As someone with every loyal skin released since skins became a thing... DST's early access was 4 years ago and I'd say that getting to use a skin for 4 years before other people can is more than enough of an early access reward. The idea of exclusive skins was cool for a bit, but for me it feels bad to know that I've got decoration potential that nobody else can obtain at all without the help of other players and a clean sweeper.

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These weren’t ever available for console players, we shouldn’t have to do without for not participating in the Beta.

And personally I’m sick of seeing people make massive profits of having rare skins people want badly/desperately enough, when instead Klei could be making all that profit for themselves should they choose to just offer that content to everyone at a more affordable asking price.

To me it’s roughly the same as the 60$ pay per views I used to pay for every month to watch WWF/WWE and many people would watch those through illegitimate ways because they couldn’t afford them, Somewhere along the Way Someone came up with the ingenious idea to make those Same Pay Per Views available at a much more reasonable and affordable cost & less people watched them illegitimately.

Same thing is Currently (sort of) happening with DST skins and I deeply applaud Klei for taking those risks and making those changes-

Each rework making character skins easier to obtain, The Creepy Cauldron which I had been wanting for over 2 years being purchasable in its own reasonably priced bundle.. even Today- It was a delight to log in and receive the WinterFeast Lantern I missed the first time it was in circulation.

Im sure there’s some people who are going to be upset that the easy ways of making profit off Klei’s skins are vanishing with each refresh, but personally I found it quite disgusting to see players selling a single game skin for prices of around 60$ that is literally buying the game itself 4x over.

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6 hours ago, Chicken_ said:

I don't think they should. Unlike the lantern, which was a drop anyone could get, the bottomless firepit skin was only for early access players. If they just gave it out, then it would make the use of the skin as a gift to early access players useless.

Console players have never had a chance to receive this skin, as well as other rewards, I am very saddened by this and would love for these skins to be distributed fairly to everyone again.

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12 minutes ago, Cailu95 said:

Console players have never had a chance to receive this skin, as well as other rewards, I am very saddened by this and would love for these skins to be distributed fairly to everyone again.

Maybe there will be surprises in the future

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