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World (miss)generation

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It seems that with reduced size of the worlds generation RNG is too R and need some polishing. Each biome is smaller, therefore impact of ranom POI is much bigger and it can result in completely degenerated biome without critical features. And by critical here I mean mostly critters. I've generated a few (;)) worlds and it seems that there is quite high chance for some critter to be missing  - drecos were already mentioned, but the same happens for pips, pokeshells, pufs (if you care), I even found worlds without any plug slugs! IMHO that's not a proper way of adding challenge if after some cycles you realise that whole chain cannot be implemented due to such misgeneration :)

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pufts are awesome now that they added the sublimation station.  think about it, arbor tree to power had lots of polluted dirt, that dirt either was ignored, pokeshell lime, or composted.  now it easily and quickly becomes po2 at a 34% reduction in mass.  that po2 to pufts/slime now means slime to make algae/water or mushrooms.  it just sucks we have no source of salt water, just crappy cold brine, or no renewable chlorine, even though you won't run out of it on the irradiated planet

and yeah, critters not appearing is really annoying now that they don't pop up in care packages unless discovered.  would prefer if it was after certain cycles or after going to planets.  like maybe a bio code data card had to be uploaded to the printing pod to 'duplicate' them

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