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Rockets and disappearing bunker doors

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As the title says,

I cannot for the love of me, figure out why rockets keep destroying my bunker doors... Is their state reset on load, or in any other case.

When I try to monitor my rockets leaving and landing there are no issues, rockets wait untill doors open, then launch. On landing doors open as soon as the rocket is detected.

Then when I'm not paying attention to them, usually after a few cycles, yup, some doors got smashed...

Does anyone have any ideas why or how this is happening? Since they can't launch with doors closed I'm guessing it happens during landing, but I just can't catch it on screen...

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may be this is а returned old issue where bunker doors would open and close more slowly if off the screen.

may be this is another old problem: if you save the game at the moment when the door started to open but has not yet fully opened, then when you load the game, this door will start to open from the very beginning, and it may not have enough time before the rocket lands. then try this mod.

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Here is my experience and help on this topic, with a check list:

> Ensure that bunker doors are 100% open when a rocket lands or starts, otherwise bunker doors will or can break

> Check if a rocket has melted power cables

> Check if a rocket has melted automation cables

If the above does not help you:

> Improve your automation layout for rocket launches and landings, see this rocket automation thread and/or search more rocket automation threads or watch utube movies on the topic.

If you then still have issues with bunker doors breaking:

> Work on your automation layout and try to identify what your automation problem is

> Deactivate mods, if mods active

If you then still have issues, post your rocket automation layout screenshots, save game or a video. May the force be always with you :p


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11 hours ago, SharraShimada said:

Sorry, but what timekeeping methods? I encounter meteor showers at pure random. One time, there are none for cycles, and then the bunker doors do the open&close dance every minute. 

If you look up water clocks and posts on meteor cycles (iirc there is an active and dormant period like geysers) it will point you in the right direction. Personally I tend to use either simple automation that only destroys doors when rockets land during a meteor shower (like what sounds like you're experiencing) or I have an open rocket bay where meteors/regolith coming in is used to generate more power. 

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