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A oni character for dst

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I am working in a oni (oxygen not included) character for dst and i need your opinion abot it a little concept of the dupe and some perks

dupe concept (ugly Ren draw)


Dupe Perks!
Perk #1 Multi tool
Dupes depend of their Multi tool to survive, build and gather. 
- The sweeping tool to gather things from afar and avoid some dangers

- The building multi tool to build things using a similar mechanic to that of the merm king (delivery of the materials, and then construct)
This Same mechanic will work to REPAIR burned buildings by delivering 1 board or 1 cutstone (depending of the building) to repair it

Perk #2 
They will have their own stress meter on the hud. 
Stress will constantly go up, and it will raise faster when experiencing stressful situations like eating stale food, eating the same foods over and over, or getting wet, and it will decrease when eating unique foods or sleeping.
It will start at 50/100, when this meter reaches 100 they will have a stress reaction: either eating all the food in their inventory, or crying incontrolably disabling movement for a few seconds. 
When they drop their stress closer to 0/100 they gain the overjoyed perk, which brings faster crafting speed and a little sanity buff

Perk #3
Disease and random perks: the dupes can get diseased if they remain overheating, wet or freezing for too long.  They can get heat strokes or hypothermia effects, changing their stats for a few minutes.

The dupes will not have any quotes. Instead, I want to them to display "emojis", like when examining a crock pot they will display a tiny crock pot emoji, or when hounds are about to attack they will display a tiny hound emoji.

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I really like the idea. Oxygen Not Included was another Klei game i liked a lot, so it's nice to see it on another Klei game i love, too.

I think mostly the dupes would be focused on building and gathering resources. With their multi-tools equipped on their hand slot, they could build and gather resources a bit faster. However, like you suggested, they'd also be very susceptible to stress (lose sanity quicker, or maybe with additional effects, but regaining more sanity after sleep). Maybe they could lose sanity more and more, the longer they spent the days without sleeping?

 I guess their health should be on the lower side, to balance things out a bit.

The disease idea is brilliant, and it'd be awesome if you could somehow make it work!

Those perks seem very interesting, but they also sound very complicated to do, from a mod point of view. 

In any case, i loved the idea. Let us know how's it going!

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