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Woby should only be accessible to Walter

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Or the option should at least be there. Currently she just feels like a permanent Chester that you can't get rid of, and such with Chester, any valuables or materials you put in there are liable to get nicked.

I believe to differentiate this character perk from an item that anyone gets to pick up, the option to "lock" Woby to only the player or "open" her up for everyone to use should be introduced, a button and the bottom of her inventory GUI akin to the "cook" option of a crock pot. This would open up Woby to be used much more like a bag pack, and allow Walter players to use their chest slot for other things (such as log armour) which synergies better with the rest of his kit (you put the hat on to lower sanity drain form getting hit, and body armour to stop the health drain). I think these changes to be necessary in order to form Woby into more of her own addition to the game, instead of a pet/Chester you spawn in with.

Now I understand that there may be criticisms to this idea, which I would like to address now, but still welcome the discussion 

  1. "If people are stealing from your Woby, you probably have other issues in that session" - While I understand the idea behind it, fact of the matter is people suck and if I went about leaving every pub game where someone took something that wasn't there's given the option or a new player picked up something they thought they needed only for it to be a waste/ forget about it somewhere in their inventory, there wouldn't be any public games left to join! And instead of dealing with every player who may do this to you on a case by case basis, adding the option to prevent such a thing from happening in the first place sounds like the safer and smarter option 
  2. "But what if you die and need someone to get something out of your Woby to revive you" - Like the loot that lays on the ground for anyone to take once you die, it would be the same case for Woby, upon player death her inventory would automatically go to the "open" option, so just as before and like the rest of your gear people can take stuff from Woby.

So anyway that was my post about what I believe to be a much needed feature for Walters furry friend, what do the other users of the forum think? 

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I wouldn't be against it but it is an absolute necessity to make Woby "open", like you said, once the Walter dies, otherwise they'd just steal permanently any item they want and no one could do anything about it

I generally try to put Walter-only items like the extra pebbles, or items not that important so the other players don't show interest in them

Anyway imo there are other priorities for Walter right now, like, players stealing your Woby, Walter's annoying voice while you're telling a story, or the Woby's glitch to walk into the void in the caves

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Maybe Woby should try to run away from other players trying to open her. That way it still is possible to block her or catch her to steal stuff but is made more difficult and usually Walter player will notice.

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Yes, I always wanted this since walter was released. Its so annoying walking by a base of people and having them all just suddenly look in my chester, and then I have to pause to see if they took anything.

I want woby to be personal. Only walter can ride her, so only walter should access her

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