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[Quick Concept] The Lunar Rainforest

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"As the moon's grasp on the constant grows stronger, so too does its influence on the clouds and tides."


The Lunar Rainforest:

The primary idea behind the Lunar Rainforest is an environment with permanent rain that encourages preparation before exploration, on top of gaining wetness (without rain gear), the unique rain will also give players lunacy overtime, similar to how it works on the lunar island. The resources here could be required to make more advanced lunar gear/equipment/magic items. Maybe some could be used to harness the power of the storm?

I'm not sure if gestalts would be included on this island, but maybe they could be replaced with moon storms that specifically target players with high lunacy? These storms wouldn't have fire spreading properties, but would be a high focus strike, dealing more damage than a regular lightning strike, they persist randomly until the player either lowers their lunacy or flees the island.





A Few item Concepts:

Celestial Effigy

Recipe: 1 x Moon Spore, 3 x Wane Leaf, 1 x Compass(?)

A one time usage item that grants the ability to warp to a player of choice through the power of the moon storm! The effigy could work as a way to get around the world quickly, but the resources for it would be exclusive to the Lunar Rainforest. I'm not sure how it would compare to the Lazy Deserter, though.



Storm Staff

Recipe: 1 x Electrical Doodad, 1 x Cratered Moonrock, 1 x Star Stone

Fires a concentrated bolt of the moon's lightning at a target, counts as electrical damage, damage does not scale with any modifiers, more uses than an average staff. (50 uses?) 






Thanks for stopping by to read this little brainstorm exercise! What do you all think of this idea? I personally only made this because I loved the idea of an island that never stopped raining, giving more uses for rain gear outside of spring. :D


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I think introducing yet more islands with unique sanity mechanics would be a tad excessive, especially since the normal Enlightenment/Lunacy mechanic is still so underdeveloped.

However, some sort of lunar jungle/rainforest with mutated flora is near the top of my list of things I wanna see in Return of Them. It'd be a great way to introduce some more color to the DST world, which is usually more drab than SW/HAM, while still making it fit the overall aesthetic.

I think a lunar rainforest would also work well as an underground biome if we ever get lunar caves, so we could have a foliage overlay like in Hamlet's deep rainforest. In other news, it'd be the perfect place to find materials for a Dripple Pipes substitute to deal with the wildfires and withering of summer.


P.S. Love that artwork, btw.

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I just want to say, that yours ideas are fantastic and I could say the same about your illustrations. I never really liked Hamlet, for various reasons, but this sounds very cool. I'd like to see that it was not once part of the moon, but rather was part of the constant and then currupted by the moon, therefore, the lunacy mechanic could be a little different/underdevelopped (like your suggestion), also that would mean that the colors could vary too, it wouldn't have to be that same bright blue color, making it different to the Lunar island, it would be more in the grey-ish purple and grey-ish turquoise type of colors in my mind. (similar to your drawings actually)

I also want to say that the idea of taking the name "Rainforest" as literally as you can, that is very Don't Starve-esque, and I love that.

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As far as turf colors, I'm hoping for some sort of faded pink myself, kinda like the turf of the Sugarwood Park in the Gorge. There are no red or pink turfs so far (red fungal turf looks purple 9 times out of 10), and a faded pink would fit nicely with the light blue of the Moon Crater and Rocky Beach Turf of the Lunar Island.

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8 minutes ago, QuartzBeam said:

As far as turf colors, I'm hoping for some sort of faded pink myself, kinda like the turf of the Sugarwood Park in the Gorge. There are no red or pink turfs so far (red fungal turf looks purple 9 times out of 10), and a faded pink would fit nicely with the light blue of the Moon Crater and Rocky Beach Turf of the Lunar Island.

For sure! I absolutely loved the Sugarwood Park, and I think some of those colors could look really cool in a second biome for the Rainforest, like an open spot where the rain doesn't reach?

(quickly hashed together idea cuz' I just woke up haha)


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The artwork is wonderful, first off. 

I love the Moonshroom and Moth Mite ideas, where you need to harvest of mine them both and combine their resources to make something. The Celestial Effigy is a cool concept, but I feel like it should do something else instead of teleporting the player. Constant rain seems like a cool little part that makes it harder to survive in. New mobs? New gems? I dunno.

Overall I feel like the whole Lunacy and the Lunar island is underdeveloped and there should be more to do, this adding to new biome. Great stuff!

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