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A question about optimization (Grass and Twig Farm)

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One question I've always had about grass farms is why it affects both the performance of the game. I made a comparison between a grass farm and a twigs farm. Both with the same number of entities. Can someone explain to me why one makes my fps go to 22 (grass), and the other leaves in a good amount (60 fps)?




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I'll take a shot in the dark and say it might be due to the Grass Gekko timers. Every one of these Grass Tufts is counting down to the moment it will be ready to turn into a Grass Gekko, whereas there's no equivalent mechanic for Saplings.

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9 minutes ago, QuartzBeam said:

I'll take a shot in the dark and say it might be due to the Grass Gekko timers. Every one of these Grass Tufts is counting down to the moment it will be ready to turn into a Grass Gekko, whereas there's no equivalent mechanic for Saplings.

I've wondered about that too. But that happens at Don't Starve Solo, too. Another fact is that while the grass is cut does not cause lag. Would it be the animations? 


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Oh wow, the commitment for science! I can't see myself planting all those stuff, unless using a mod... Anyway, care to try this "new" mod and see if it alleviates or even solves the issue? It has GPU rendering optimizations so I am quite curious:


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