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Make Abigail more aggressive when riled up

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A recent update made Abigail attack a lot less things when riled up. I think, for the most part, this change should be reverted. I really liked how you could make Abigail attack anything you want without you having to get close to it first. It was really helpful for hunting Koalefants, for example.

I don't think the change should be reverted completely, though. She really shouldn't attack Glommer, spider dens, beehives, that sort of thing. But I do think she should attack every moving thing she can attack when riled up. I think it'd be fine if she didn't attack birds and butterflies, though. I liked that she did that but I can understand if it's too much aggression towards passive mobs. I just think she should attack stuff like Koalefants and bees, especially considering she attacks RABBITS of all things... She can be called back from any fight using her flower, so I don't see why it's important that she doesn't attack these things.

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I really think the change should be reverted as well, it was my favorite thing about the rework. I think people complaining about killing glommer and Maxwell's puppets is the reason they made the change, but I'm hating the change. If you don't want her to kill passive mobs just keep her soothed most of the time. If you do end up accidentally killing them, it's not like they are even hard to get back, the utility of killing cookie cutters, butterflies, koalafants, helping other people fight their mobs, and not having to wait for her to aggro onto aggressive mobs was so good. Now we're missing out on all of that.

Also even with her attacking structures it's really easy to call her off of them. Between what it is now and what it was, I liked what it was before waaaaaaaaaay better

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