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Logic Controller + Editor

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Since the recently implemented automation update you can clearly say that automation is meant to be a huge part of the game that certainly keeps a good amount of players interested. Developing even really simplistic circuits is fun and seeing it work like you want it to, intentionally or not, is pure satisfaction. Even though it seems that there is always a tiny bit you would like to improve.

However, one major downside is the huge amount of space that circuits can take. Like this small example of a simple comparator (explanation in the spoiler). A dupe is placed next to it for size comparison.



This is a simple circuit that just compares two sensors with another two and activates a specific machine. In this case i made it to activate the water source with the lower temperature the get cool water with less amount of energy and time. It is measured with a <100 and a <80 sensor in each tank.


The picture below shows a couple of other circuits that do exactly the same. The left circuit is the most basic one, you can barely notice the two lamps that they are meant to light up. On the top right side is the same circuit with applied simplification and space optimization. Both circuits in the middle are just not space optimized versions of the final version in the lower right side.



Here is another circuit that desperately wants to be reduced in size:


Just to name a few other examples that were recently posted:




There are many more examples and what almost all of them have in common is that they take a lot of space. Testing around in sandbox mode is of course no problem, but implementing these circuits in your dupe environment is another thing.
So i thought maybe it is time to implement logic controllers to the game.

A logic controller is a simple box were you can build your circuits in. You place the box and your dupes will build it in an empty state. When it is finished you can use the inside area like the sandbox mode were you can freely place the logic elements. When you confirm your placements the dupes will fill the box with the needed amount of material and build the circuits inside. Then it will be ready to work..or for improvement :D...
I thought about the following basic versions. Numbers are of course not final™:

  • 2x2 box with two inputs and two outputs with 20x20 tiles space inside
  • 4x2 box with four inputs and four outputs with 40x20 tiles space inside


There are some other points:

  • build cost and build time should be the sum of the box itself and its insides
  • the box can be copied and should be fully rotatable
  • the box should have a tool-tip description that can be edited for easy identification
  • no emitted sounds of its insides
  • in and outputs work with both, wire and ribbon
  • (maybe) it uses a tiny amount of energy and generates heat, both as a trade-off
  • (maybe) the box does not work flooded or there is a water proof version with plastic


BUT: After thinking about how that could work without opening a sandbox mode window inside the running game, maybe another solution could be: an editor in the main menu, were we can edit and implement our own controllers and their description, which are then shown in the game under the automation tab.
To simplify the material handling, the editor should use a placeholder material and the in-game version lets us choose which type of refined metal is used for  the logic elements inside and the material used for the box to determine its properties.


Implementing this will save a lot of space and maybe contributes to the performance since the logic circuits are not rendered and work in the background. It will also provide a possibility to rebuild more advanced elements than the mentioned comparator in a reasonable size without humongous switch rooms.
The editor could make it easy to share advanced logic circuits by players who like to build and test them to players that are deterred by logic elements but would like to make use of them.


source of the original picture

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I completely agree with you. Logic circuits are very cool, but they take up too much space and also conflict with the pins of buildings and sensors. My music box takes up the entire width of the map and is still too bad. I am thinking of making a screen graph of 24 * 8 cells, and I'm already scared of the size of its logic. Reducing the size of logic circuits is urgently needed. Otherwise, it turns out that Canadian chips are the largest chips in the world ;).
I submitted a similar proposal: 

I do not know how this can be done, probably there should be a special editor available in the game. Chip settings must be copied, and the cost of the elements in the chip should be less than individually. Probably, for the construction of microcircuits you need a special profession as an electronic engineer (after automation). Perhaps the chip should require other, cosmic materials, such as refined silicon.

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In general I like the idea, had the same one some time ago, and as already said - not only me.

However, as an advanced automation system, it would fit perfectly into upcomming automation pack - but it is much more complicated than just a new building/sensor/emiter and it would exceed reasonable scope of the pack (even if we don't take announced release date into account). It would fit automation pack vol2, but I believe the devs want to focus on all aspects of the game in their content packs, not only automation several times in the row. So unless KLEI find some way to include it in upcomming DLC without breaking its theme, I don't see this one comming really soon, sadly

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Sure! Just wanted to be the voice of reason. Also - didn't want devs to think we demand this right now, that would be as rude from us as impossible for them.

Anyway, not to offtop, let me list my ideas I had to this feature:

  • Possibility to define the blueprint of the logic system and save it with custom name 
  • Each logic system design can contain: logic wires, ribbon, bridges, gates, sensors and previously defined advanced logic systems
  • Additionaly, the designs can include LEDs to inform user what is happening inside the logic system, input and output ports for logic wires and ribbons
  • If design contains pipe sensors, it is required to build it on top of the pipe, etc
  • Possibility to define in-game view of the system. It must contain every input and output port as well as LEDs. It may contain some symbols or system name + version to make it distinctive from other systems
  • Possibility to build saved logic system blueprints. The cost equals the sum of everything inside the design + maybe something else to balance its awesomeness
  • Possibility to edit sensors' configuration as well as filter/buffer gates' time setting of the build system
  • Once defined logic system cannot be modified. However, new logic system designs can load defined blueprints to update them and to be saved as new version
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Thank you for your replies. Initially i thought it should only contain the basic logic elements. But the sensors are a nice idea too. So the box measures whatever sensor it contains.
The question is: where does it measure it. Maybe it is a specific tile of the box that is used for inputs like that or maybe the inside of the box is divided in sections for this. Wherever the sensor is, the appropriate tile is used to measure.

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