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Do I need to start a new game to find the Last Planet? (SPOILER)

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I have a pre-Launch game that I've been slowly playing. The last planets on my starmap are at 100,000km, and I can't scroll the starmap any further. (I can see the line at 110,000km, but not beyond.) There's no Temporal Tear to see, and I've just finished sending a rocket to one of those 100,000km planets.

I have:

  • An observatory (it has no view of space, though. I analyzed all stars, deconstructed it, and then realized I couldn't launch rockets without it. So it's somewhere out of the way.)
  • Two rockets, one of which has a 117,000km range
  • The entire tech tree unlocked
  • Not all planets visited yet; only one of the three at the 100,000km range is visited
  • Liquid oxygen and hydrogen production (though there's not terribly much hydrogen yet)

What do I need to do to make the Temporal Tear appear? Do I need to restart entirely, or is there some trick to extend my starmap's view far enough to see the Tear?

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11 hours ago, psusi said:

They are generated from the map seed, so they should be able to be generated after the upgrade just fine.

The same map seed will very likely give a different map when generating on a different build of the game, even if the same map type is used. Depending on the way the seed is used, the mere insertion of a new thing (like lead in oil biomes) can perturb the PRNG sequence.

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59 minutes ago, Derringer said:

The same map seed will very likely give a different map when generating on a different build of the game, even if the same map type is used. Depending on the way the seed is used, the mere insertion of a new thing (like lead in oil biomes) can perturb the PRNG sequence.

Maybe, but the temporal tear is a fixed final tier isn't it?  That should have just been added procedurally on upgrade.

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Well, curses. Blast. Darn. Golly-gee-willikers. I am vexed most vexatiously. It really would have been easy to have a fixed set of edits post-patch. I saw things about the Temporal Tear not terribly long after Launch, so I assumed that it patched existing games. I guess that means that either a) there are people who can get to the end-game much, much faster than me and/or b) there are people who love playing betas more than me.

I had a ~dozen Dupes for this game. I guess it's time to find out how fast I can get how far with forty Dupes. (Steam lists me at ~330 hours on just this one game, but probably a quarter of those hours were "played" with the game paused.)

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