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I think this is what smart storage is for, and I think I've seen people report success, but my bases (especially where storage is concerned) are never organized enough to pull this off.

Someone else can probably correct what I have wrong here, but the "easiest" way would be to make sure there are enough storage bins holding the product in question to add up to exactly X, then OR their output (I think they go green when they are _not_ full) to control the producing building(s), or if those buildings don't have input ports, then control their power or materials.  If they're completely manual, control doors that grant dupes access to it.

Still, it's a valid point, and there might be ways to streamline this somewhat.  I hate to compare ONI to Factorio too directly, but I'll say one of the things I miss most when I'm switching mental gears between them is the lack of anything resembling counters or data signals in ONI.  Maybe somebody else knows of a design that achieves a similar outcome?

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Yes its additional 100w power for the storage. But i dont think modders can do much about it, besides storages with lower power requirements (i think there is a mod out there for this)

One would need to change the system that feeds the machines. That changes would be heavy and are predestined to cause bugs. 

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YES! I even can expand it: 

Make X until amount of X = N is reached

Did not make X until amount of X is below M

Only A, B and C allowed to make X on this workstation

Only those who have skill(s) Z higher/lower than Q is allowed to make X

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On 26.11.2019 at 6:53 AM, Prolbo said:

Only A, B and C allowed to make X on this workstation

What good would this be for? I get the intention of this, but its not necessary in ONI, because every product has a fixed base of ingredients. And you select what product ist made at a given workstation. There ist simply no need for this. Or do you refer A,B and C to dupes? If so, use a filtered door.


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On 04.12.2019 at 3:31 PM, SharraShimada said:

What good would this be for? I get the intention of this, but its not necessary in ONI, because every product has a fixed base of ingredients. And you select what product ist made at a given workstation. There ist simply no need for this. Or do you refer A,B and C to dupes? If so, use a filtered door.


Yes, dupes. Because as I sayd before dupes are stupid, so, a bit more of control is always appreciated. And by limiting who can work at selected workstation we can get this little bit of additional control. 

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