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Need help with wormhole sanity drain

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Hello, I need a little help with something I can't figure out by myself :lol:!

Basically, I want to edit the wormhole.lua is "OnActivate" function and edit the sanity drain to be multiplied.


if doer.components.sanity ~= nil then
	doer.components.sanity:DoDelta(-TUNING.SANITY_MED * (doer.wormholefear or 1))


I was wondering if there's an easy way to do this or should I just copy paste the wormhole.lua and make my changes or replace the "inst.components.teleporter.onActivate = OnActivate" with a prefabpostinit?

thanks for any help, have a great time :D!

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never replace a file (only in 0.01% of the cases this is okay).
Yes, "replace" the Onactivate, but save the original one. Lets say the defaul sanity malus is -10.  Then you simply execute the original function and afterwards substract additional 10 -> value doubled. So no need to copy anyhting.

Edited by Serpens
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14 hours ago, Serpens said:

but save the original one. Lets say the defaul sanity malus is -10.  Then you simply execute the original function and afterwards substract additional 10 -> value doubled.

Do you have an example for how to save the original function or something? I don't really know how to do that and kinda lost on what I should do :lol:

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8 minutes ago, Warbucks said:

Do you have an example for how to save the original function or something? I don't really know how to do that and kinda lost on what I should do :lol:


-- Given
function somefunc(a, b, c)
  return b

-- Test1
print("_Test 1_")
print(somefunc("test", "ing", 1, 2, 3))

-- Do
local oldfunc = somefunc
somefunc = function(arg1, arg2, ...)
    arg1 = "prehook changes arguments!"
    local retval = {oldfunc(arg1, arg2, ...)}
    retval = {"posthook changes return values!"}
    return table.unpack(retval)

-- Test2
print("_Test 2_")
print(somefunc("test", "ing", 1, 2, 3))

For DST, table.unpack may just be unpack.



_Test 1_
test	ing	1
_Test 2_
prehook changes arguments!	ing	1
posthook changes return values!


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for the wormhole you simply do an AddPrefabPostinit. And you know that OnActive is saved within inst with "inst.OnActivate" in the wormhole code. This way you can access the function.
So you do first:
local old_OnActivate = inst.OnActivate -- this will save the original function
then you can overwrite:
inst.OnActivate = function(...) -- overwrite it, put the original parameters in the brackets
    -- your new code
    return old_OnActivate(...)

Of course you can add some security checks, eg. chekcing with "if old_OnActivate~=nil"  if and old fucntion did exist (maybe it was removed by devs or another modder) before you execute it.
And you can add to the paramaters ",...". So lets assume the OnActavte functio only has OnActivate(inst) as argument/parameter. Then you can change it to (inst,...), same when calling the old function within your new one. This will make sure, that it still will work, even if the devs or anyone else is adding additional parameters to the function.

If you still have no clue, look at my recent ~20 posts in this forum. I posted alot of code recently where I saved and called old functions.

Edited by Serpens
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19 hours ago, Serpens said:

for the wormhole you simply do an AddPrefabPostinit. And you know that OnActive is saved within inst with "inst.OnActivate" in the wormhole code. This way you can access the function.
So you do first:
local old_OnActivate = inst.OnActivate -- this will save the original function
then you can overwrite:
inst.OnActivate = function(...) -- overwrite it, put the original parameters in the brackets
    -- your new code
    return old_OnActivate(...)

Of course you can add some security checks, eg. chekcing with "if old_OnActivate~=nil"  if and old fucntion did exist (maybe it was removed by devs or another modder) before you execute it.
And you can add to the paramaters ",...". So lets assume the OnActavte functio only has OnActivate(inst) as argument/parameter. Then you can change it to (inst,...), same when calling the old function within your new one. This will make sure, that it still will work, even if the devs or anyone else is adding additional parameters to the function.

If you still have no clue, look at my recent ~20 posts in this forum. I posted alot of code recently where I saved and called old functions.

I don't see a inst.OnActivate? instead you should take the component function


inst.components.teleporter.onActivate = OnActivate

I suppose you meant that?

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2 hours ago, Hornete said:

I don't see a inst.OnActivate? instead you should take the component function


inst.components.teleporter.onActivate = OnActivate

I suppose you meant that?

yes, of course, I did not take a look at wormhole code, it was just a general example.

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