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Trading Dublons


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Hi everyone,

I'm updating my doublons trading list. Here's what i have to trade(the red skirt is a doublon too, even if it's not noticed as one) :



I'm looking for :


-grey trensh coat

-red buttoned shirt

-collared shirt (science experiment green)

-t-shirt (pumpkin orange)

-nightgown (purple)

-silk loungewear (red/yellow)

-sweater (electrolytic blue)

- some belonging skins  or anything else you wana trade (but not sure i got the equivalent to trade, so check before on my tarde link).

/driving gloves (dry tan)

-unprotective gloves (chocolate brown)

-shorts (brown, grey,cobaltous blue, flat fish grey)

-pleated skirt (intellectuel blue)

-jeans (bird tail blue)


-ankle boots (red and black)

-buckled shooes (blue and red)

-fuzzy slepers

you can check this : https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=400073102&token=20DPux40




Capture d’écran 2019-09-18 à 19.08.39.png

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Can you clarify something?

You said you especially want a pink silk robe, but you already have one and even had a spare among your list of doublons (you seem to have traded it already, though).  Did you mean something else?  Or do you have a trade lined up for something you want in exchange for your last pink silk robe and you want a replacement lined up in advance?  Because if you really did mean pink, I've got... 5 spares?  Yeah, five.

I've also got a trade hold, unfortunately.  I should just get a data plan for my damn phone...

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