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Question about duplicants movement

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Hello everyone,

I see that when duplicants move around they seem to "stutter". They don't move very smoothly expecially when zooming all way in. This issue can be easily seen more clear when selecting a duplicant and activating the "camera track". I'm very curious if this is happening only to me or it is a game known issue (i seem not to be able to find anything in regard). Everything in game looks and works fine and smooth by the way (more than 60 fps).

Is this happening to anyone else or does anybody know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance

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yes, gets worse as total cycles increases.  dups pause for 5 seconds after each dig event.  checking errand tab and nothing new is being considered.  you will first see this when you kill a critter and the meat shows up 3 seconds later and it goes downhill from there

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Cycle 1100. Never seen it. Hit my dups has:

- One path to everything

- not more than 3 high priority items for their profession ( except digger/builder)

- not more than 2 professions


And most of the world is build from tiles - i don't leave empty spaces unless corridor.

Helps a lot with lags as well.  

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Hopefully i will not have those extreme cases but the "microstuttering" i'm referring to is visible from the very beginning even on cycle 1. i can see it better just when a duplicant is running and i lock the camera on him ("follow camera") the duplicant is like "vibrating" or something. It's strange cause when they walk it is much better actually.

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The problem is the number of possibilities one dupe has at the moment a task is completed. This scales with pathes possible, The system checks all availlable tasks, and compares them with priorities. 

If you have a vast amount of possible intersections, with a huge amount of possible tasks, it takes very long to determine the next task. 

You can avoid this, by limiting paths with as few intersections as possible, and specialized dupes. Higher priorities (for example digging) are first in checks. If everything is at the same level, it takes longer.

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14 hours ago, Giano said:

the "microstuttering" i'm referring to is visible from the very beginning even on cycle 1. i can see it better just when a duplicant is running and i lock the camera on him ("follow camera") the duplicant is like "vibrating" or something.

It's more like graphical issues i think. The animation is not smooth, like the dupes are "vibrating". What you guys describe is something else. I can see the problem at the start of the game just watching the duplicants running.

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