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Does Woodlegs' Lucky Hat work in Hamlet world?


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3 hours ago, Namelessgamer said:

Does the treasure spawn in interior if you’re there?

Sadly it does not. It used to kind of work, as in it would spawn, but it would always end up out of bounds due to the placement offset which then caused it to be forever lost in the growing darkness of the void. After numerous bug reports about the issue though, Klei finally responded to one and basically just said the Lucky Hat can't find treasure indoors because pirates don't bury their treasure indoors. Then they fixed it by just making it so if the Lucky Hat's treasure spawn durability tick does come up in a interior it just doesn't spawn a treasure at all and makes Woodlegs' quote something different from usual, causing you to lose out on possibly very valuable loot cause you forgot to take the hat off indoors...

I mean, I guess what they said does make sense from a logical perspective sort of, but from a gameplay perspective it just seems off to me. They could have made it spawn someplace outside of the interior your in or if not that just having it spawn under your feet would have been fine for me at least. I was originally always under the impression that the Lucky Hat was magic or something so it wouldn't have bothered me to go with the latter option. But hey thats just my opinion on it at least.


tl;dr, No it does not work indoors, and that makes me sad.

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