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Aporkalypse with 10 (actually 8) Plagues of Egypt [Mod Proposition]


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Simple proposition of a small mod/tweak to imrpove Aporkalypse.


Aporkalypse now has Phases that determine things that will happen.

General changes:
1. Pig shops won't get locked during the event, until Phase 4.
2. Herald won't spawn inside city and won't enter it until Phase 7. Herald will still hunt player outside city.
3. Herald is stronger. Herald need to be killed only once per the event.
4. Adds undestructable Ancient Psedoscience Station to Aporkalypse island. This station can only be used after Phase 4 of Aporkalypse during the event.
5. Thulecite peaces can be obtained by using gold pan.
6. The End's Well is able to randomly transform gems into another gems. Each use costs sanity, only works after Phase 4 of Aporkalypse.

Blood rain during Aporkalypse:
Rain accuring periodically.
Spawns blood drops on ground. Blood drops reduce sanity.
During this rain nightmarefuel will fall from the skies (idea by @SpoonyBardIV).

Earthquakes during Aporkalypse:
Spawns krissures at the screen around player. (idea by @SpoonyBardIV)
Krissures spawn random resourses: rocks, flint, iron. And sometimes rare resourses thulicite peaces or gems.
Krissures don't spawn on city turf.
Krissures don't spawn near player structures.
Krissures will disappear later.

New creatures:
Only spawn during Aporkalypse.
Money frog - that frog will drop oincs. 
Thulecite mosqutos - they drop thulicite peaces.
Thulecite flytraps - they drop thulicite peaces.

Phase 1.
Lasts till event ends.
Water turns into blood.
Boats move slower. Sanity drain while near water.
Fountain of life doesn't give magic water.

Phase 2.
Lasts 2 days, starts at 3rd day of event.
Frogs (normal, thulicite and poison) will swarm pig city and attack the player.

Phase 3.
Lasts 2 days, starts as previous phase ends.
"Lice or Gnats"
Gnats and mosqutos will swarm pig city and attack the player.

Phase 4.
Lasts 2 days
Permanent Heavy Fog for 2 days.
All pigshops close till the end of the event.

Phase 5.
Lasts 2 days
Hungry locust will come for a feast.
Locust will eat everything left on ground.
Food on ground and in the fridges will spoil faster during this event. Only player inventory is unaffected.
Food will spoil at increased rate till Darkness phase.

Phase 6.
Lasts 2 dats
"Wild flytraps"
Flytraps will come to eat player and locust.

Phase 7.
Lasts 2 days
Permanent thunder for 2 days.
Herald will enter pigcity to attack player.

Phase 8.
Permanent night. Untill aporkalypse is ended by Calendar.
Herald will enter pigcity to attack player.

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13 hours ago, Roosev said:

Very nice ideas, but probably a little bit too complex to be able to be implemented realistically speaking.

Then again, Klei are coding gods and might be able to make it work.

I can mod it

It is actually simple code-wise

Making endless night might be tricky though, because clock is not nicely modable.

also bloody water tiles might be a mess

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