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Is Wormwood worth it?

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I’ve been playing Don’t starve Together for a while with my husband and we’re trying to find a good combination. At the moment we’re trialling Wilson and the Spider which seems to be going okay. I love the thought of Wormwood after reading about the latest Wormwood update but is it worth purchasing the character? 

I just feel like we’ve spent £11.99 on the game and this is basically the same price but it looks really good! 

Thoughts? What combination would work well?

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1 hour ago, Auryonn said:

I’ve been playing Don’t starve Together for a while with my husband and we’re trying to find a good combination. At the moment we’re trialling Wilson and the Spider which seems to be going okay. I love the thought of Wormwood after reading about the latest Wormwood update but is it worth purchasing the character? 

I just feel like we’ve spent £11.99 on the game and this is basically the same price but it looks really good! 

Thoughts? What combination would work well?

Wormwood and Webber are a nice combination: Both do (almost) not suffer from Monster Foods, Webber grants a nice supply of Spider Glands and Silk to heal Wormwood and Wormwood can plant seeds for easy sanity and use the resulting plants as nice fillers for the Crock Pot.

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I'd say he is, you'd be of great help to your team. Especially with a Wicker, Wortox or Webber.

Since Wormwood can plant seeds without the need of a farm plot, it lets you save resources and allows Wicker to instantly grow them with the applied horticulture book, providing food or fillers for crock pot recipes for quite a while (but after a few days they do spoil and become rot so put them inside an icebox).

Since Wortox can drop souls to heal players and Wormwood loses hp to create living logs, you can farm them by having Wortox heal you whenever you create one.

Webber can plant spider nests which you can use to farm spider glands to heal yourself, monster meat which used with a filler like ice in a crock pot can create lots of meatballs or you could just eat the meat since you won't receive damage only sanity loss but that can be fixed by just planting a seed (tree seeds too) and replanting already dug up plants because when Wormwood plants anything it gives him 10 sanity (making him one of the easiest characters to handle with sanity).

This vid explains him pretty well


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If you enjoy the game you may enjoy any of the dlc characters, specially wormwood who changes the game so radically and has such a different playstyle. Be wary though, he may be harder to play as, than other characters at first hand, so have some patience with him and his learning curve.

I wouldn't call him a challenge character, but he certainly is a bit more unforgiving in mistakes than, say wortox or wigfrid. But once you get a hang of how to overcome his health limitations (specially if you get help from a webber), he is very fun to play.

If you end up getting him let us know your experience to see what ya think of the lil plantboi.

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ive bought DST more then 1,5 years ago and im playing it since then evry day. so the prize for the game is very small imo. with the new chars we will get new free content. you will have fun with this games for years if you like it. the content "never" runs out.

for wormwood hes great and lots of fun to play. if you are new to the game you should try evry charachter and then decide which fits your playstyle. all charachters are fun to play and have different game experiences. 

so is it worth to buy him. if it doesnt hurt you financially then yes hes 100% worth. also you can upgrade your portal in your dst world and then you and your husband can change your charachter in your world. for example you start as wormwood and wickerbottom and later you change to wigfrid and wendy or which ever you like

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So, right now I consider Wormwood the hardest character to play in DST. Lack of quick and cheap healing means that trying to tank every combat leaves you very vulnerable to dying. You can use tents or the non-edible healing items but those take a while to accumulate.

However, if you pair up with a Wortox you will be able to heal very easily. As a matter of fact, I recommend that if you pair up with a Wortox, you spend time fighting bees for large amounts of souls to easily regenerate. They're the easiest and most plentiful enemy to kill right now for getting souls.

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