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How do I remove recipes that include a certain tag and component for a certain character?

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So I'm working on making code for a character a friend of mine is making where the character is not able to equip any torso clothes or even craft them, but he's able to craft backpacks and armors and can also use them.

The equipping part is done, but the problem I'm having is with the code for removing recipes, as I'm trying to remove the recipes that do not include the backpack tag, do not count as armor but also are body slot items. However it keeps giving me an error in the line with removing the recipes and says that components is a "nil value".

The removal of recipes code:

	-- Removing every clothing recipes that exists for this character
	inst.components.builder.ignorelist = { }
	function inst.components.builder:AddIgnoreRecipe( recname )
		self.ignorelist[ recname ] = recname

	function inst.components.builder:RemoveIgnoreRecipe( recname )
		self.ignorelist[ recname ] = nil

	local old_CanLearn = inst.components.builder.CanLearn
	function inst.components.builder:CanLearn( recname )
		local ret = old_CanLearn(recname)
		return ret and self.ignorelist[ recname ] == nil

	for k, v in pairs(AllRecipes) do
		if IsChestClothing(v.product) then inst.components.builder:AddIgnoreRecipe(v.name) end

The code that crashed the game:

	local function IsChestClothing(item)
		if item.components.equippable and item.components.equippable.equipslot == EQUIPSLOTS.BODY and not item:HasTag("backpack") and not item.components.armor then
			return true
			return false

Thanks in advance!

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'v.product' is of string type, and you're trying to index it as if it's a table.

I don't see a way to safely obtain this item information you're trying to request here.

It would be easier to make a blacklist of the torso items you don't want and check against the table.

local blacklist = {
    amulet = true,
    blueamulet = true,
    purpleamulet = true,
    orangeamulet = true,
    greenamulet = true,
    yellowamulet = true,
    beargervest = true,
    hawaiianshirt = true,
    onemanband = true,
    raincoat = true,
    reflectivevest = true,
    sweatervest = true,
    trunkvest_summer = true,
    trunkvest_winter = true,
if blacklist[v.product] then inst.components.builder:AddIgnoreRecipe(v.name) end


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On 2/18/2019 at 5:33 AM, CarlZalph said:

'v.product' is of string type, and you're trying to index it as if it's a table.

I don't see a way to safely obtain this item information you're trying to request here.

It would be easier to make a blacklist of the torso items you don't want and check against the table.

local blacklist = {
    amulet = true,
    blueamulet = true,
    purpleamulet = true,
    orangeamulet = true,
    greenamulet = true,
    yellowamulet = true,
    beargervest = true,
    hawaiianshirt = true,
    onemanband = true,
    raincoat = true,
    reflectivevest = true,
    sweatervest = true,
    trunkvest_summer = true,
    trunkvest_winter = true,

if blacklist[v.product] then inst.components.builder:AddIgnoreRecipe(v.name) end


I see,

So basically, there's no way to get item information from recipes (including modded recipes), right?

Thanks for the code, btw.

Edited by Stormish
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