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Werewilba vs Werebeaver

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Pigs keep carrying items you've given them even after they transform. And I don't mean hats. Some people may not know this but you can give pigs various items like grass, twigs, gems etc and they'll keep them untill killed.

Also it seems that Werewilba simply turns feral while Woodie basically just goes on a rampage as Werebeaver

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1 hour ago, FeNniX said:


Wilba is a half-werepigism case, only her father ( Pig king) had the werepigism. That's also why she doesn't sprout fur everywhere ( face... )

and that's why she doesn't get knocked out ( sleeping ) after turning back, the effects are just slightly better than normal werepigism

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9 hours ago, __IvoCZE__ said:

Wilba is a half-werepigism case, only her father ( Pig king) had the werepigism. That's also why she doesn't sprout fur everywhere ( face... )

and that's why she doesn't get knocked out ( sleeping ) after turning back, the effects are just slightly better than normal werepigism

I don't think that's quite correct. We have no reason to believe the effectiveness get's "split". Curses aren't genes.

It would also mean both of theĀ father's parents had a werepig curse.

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