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SuggestionsIt for adding the tallbird Nest on the fourth island

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I found a tall bird's lair when I arrived at the fourth island in a new archive and was excited to think it was an official update but found it was randomly generated.

However, the presence of the nest makes the fourth islands more abundant, and the TallBird eggs are also available.

I recommend adding the forced build of the TallBrids lair in the next update, which can improve a lot of playability.



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This happened in my game yesterday and while I love the concept I'd also suggest that only a handful of nests spawn there vs. an entire set-piece of brooding Tallbirds. In my world my exit off the island spawned right next to the set-piece, and if I hadn't already been wearing a Weevole Mantle when the BFB grabbed me I would have been SOL.

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Yeah it would be a nice addition and would be a reason to return to BFB island from time to time to hunt and gather eggs.

Personally I'd like to see a different version to the ones found on the Covenant and in SW, maybe something more colorful? But still Function the same way as a Tallbird.

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