PSA: Use chat binds!

The 2C3D

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Okay, playing with random people from quick match can be annoying. I’ve found a nice trick to make life easier when playing with people who need to be told what to do. It is a mod called Chat Binds, which lets you bind pre-written strings of your choosing to be said at the press of a button. I recommend one for telling people not to smash or wake up enemies, one for asking to lure enemies to the center (this one is my favourite) and as a runner I also keep one for asking people not to hit my Boarilla to delay the rolling, so I don’t have to start countering that. I’m also trying to find a way to explain the Boarrier strategy. “Use the fireball on the pigs” “lure it to the corner”  etc, etc.

Seriously, though. This is a life-saver.

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My current ones are:

  • Don't attack in the heal circle!
  • Don't break the petrify!
  • Focus fire!
  • Revive dead players!
  • Our healer is under attack!
  • Cancel that!

They all have a lightbulb emote in brackets before them to sorta indicate these are set messages. 

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