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Serious Question: Why not only work on Don't Starve Together?

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The whole idea of it being technically not possible to add DS expansion mechanics to DST is a load of hogwash.  This has been tackled in a lot of other threads and Klei's indirect response was essentially that they don't want to segregate the DST community by putting up "paywalls" of content only some members of DST would be able to participate in. See the Forge release blog for this quote.


For DST their plan is to offer free events like the Forge and Gorge that don't segregate the community, supporting DST's continued development by the sale of skins, while adding expansions like Hamlet to DS.


So, the long and short of it is: Klei messed up a long time ago by releasing the multiplayer component of DS as a separate game now we have to pay for separate content for each version of DS which is not sharable, and must suffer an endless barrage of forum post asking why why why why...

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42 minutes ago, marxotic said:

So, the long and short of it is: Klei messed up a long time ago by releasing the multiplayer component of DS as a separate game now we have to pay for separate content for each version of DS which is not sharable, and must suffer an endless barrage of forum post asking why why why why...

Wait what? That's not the reason why...


Come on people. Also can someone please close this topic, it's become an echo chamber at this point.

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This is the quote from the Forge FAQ:


"Is The Forge free?
<snip skins pricing>

We hope that with this mechanism, we can both continue creating great free content while also supporting the development team. In addition, this method of funding allows us to provide content to all our players, instead of splitting the player community if we implemented it with a DLC paywall."


This is the reason (one of the reasons?) they won't implement paywalls like Hamlet into DST.


Conversely all your quote demonstrates is that DST was free for a while to original DS owners. But the result is the same: all new content going forward for each separate version of DS/DST, payed or not, is not usable on the other version causing a lot of head scratching and frustration.


It's a mess that never should have started but is likely to late to fix now.  At least the games are high quality enough that it is work picking a favourite version to stick with

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3 hours ago, marxotic said:


What on earth are you talking about?

Did you not even read the bloody thing? It strictly states:


Yes, originally we planned Don't Starve Together to be a simple update to Don't Starve. However, as we continued to develop it, we realized it needed to be a separate game altogether because too many features were diverging.

Instead of raising the price of vanilla Don't Starve, we kept the same pricing for Don't Starve, and created a bundle for Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together, giving all players more choice.


We originally planned Don't Starve Together to be a simple update to Don't Starve, but upon starting development we realized that we were going to have to remake the game. So rather than scraping the original game and forcing players to pay for a new, higher priced version of Don't Starve with an online mode, we decided to make DS and DST two separate games so as to not have massive outrage.

Because that's honestly what would've happened. They would've removed all versions of DS, and then charge us to buy it again at a higher price in order to justify them making an online mode.

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15 minutes ago, watermelen671 said:

Because that's honestly what would've happened. They would've removed all versions of DS, and then charge us to buy it again at a higher price in order to justify them making an online mode.

Okay, you think they would have pulled DS and make it unplayable unless you pay for the upgraded version.  That's nuts, and never would have happened. A price upgrade? Perhaps. More likely it would be optionable DLC which would be completely acceptable.  More than likely they would find they make plenty from skin sales alone.


Take a look around Steam.  Do you see any games that sell a single player version, then duplicate literally the same game, sell it again with multiplayer?  I'm not talking about games from the same series, *literally the same game*?


You don't, because it doesn't happen anywhere else. It was a very questionable way to making them separate games.


Just go ahead and look how many "Why isn't DST feature X in DS?" or "Why isn't DS feature Y in DST?" . Today. YEARS after DST's release? Like I said in my first post, and endless barrage of forum posts asking why why why...

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1 hour ago, marxotic said:

Take a look around Steam.  Do you see any games that sell a single player version, then duplicate literally the same game, sell it again with multiplayer?  I'm not talking about games from the same series, *literally the same game*?

Have you SEEN EA's sale model? 

Also, most Triple A companies do this exact same thing, and the sheeple still lap it up.

1 hour ago, marxotic said:

You don't, because it doesn't happen anywhere else. It was a very questionable way to making them separate games.

EA, Ubisoft, so many others pull this garbage, and execute it more poorly and for purely greed-driven reasons unlike Klei.

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On 11/9/2018 at 3:35 PM, Null1314 said:

I'm confused as to why only Don't Starve Together isn't developed on now that it's been completely released for a while. Instead of releasing DLCs that are for singleplayer only, there could be ones developed for DST where people can choose too player either offline OR online. I really don't mind if it'd take longer to develop DLC that works online, but its so disappointing that i can't play with others as i start to feel bored and lonely. Sure, modders will probably bring in parts of Hamlet, but they aren't the ones who can really make it the same as playing it on original Don't Starve. On top of that, it surely wouldn't be balanced if things were just brought in by modders. Now if Klei EVER plans on bringing it into DST, they have to worry about balancing and networking issues im guessing because of the several different places you can be in at once like ruins and caves. I'm sure that theres more usually playing DST except for when a new DLC releases on vanilla Dont Starve like it did recently, so there'd be more attention brought to the game i assume.

A little edit too:

I should of worded it differently as clearly they wouldn't stop development of DS for more than one reason. I seem to simply want them to put the same care they do in added content to DST like they do DS, and i've already stated why in this thread. Theres surely some game mechanics that would only work solo so when im forced to play DS I will like i am now, but i'd also like to see the same care to DST not in the form of events.

DLC's in multiplayer games doesn't  really work and will have a pay to win aspect to it and i agree i want more to DST, im tired of playing events

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On 17. 11. 2018 at 12:16 AM, watermelen671 said:

Have you SEEN EA's sale model? 


Speaking of bad game companies there is a big difference

a) Leaving the game half-made and selling the other half in DLCs ( EA )

b) Actually making new content for the original game ( Klei )

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