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Need to show the wither/fertilized form of nettle vines, and shorten the cooldown of their blooming

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So far I shoveled ~20 vines for the hayfever season. But in the humid season those replanted didn't regrow up.

In my bug report someone responded to give the manure and I followed.

Only one season had successful to get their leaves - just by the time of humid started I gave them manures and they gave back the leaves at the almost end of humid season, while in the wild you can get them in the starting of humid season.

Hence I want to suggest two things for them - first, separate and show their wither/fertilized graphic, second, shorten their regrowth after replanted.

I also suspect that they require Sprinkler for constant watering, but in current version it is unable to build them.

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So a few things.

  • I agree nettles need a withered graphic.
  • I don't agree that their cooldown is an issue.
  • You can in fact build sprinklers. They must be placed near one of the lake biomes as they need a source of water to connect to.

Nettles only grow in humid season like you said. I do think there is a bug with them where if you fertilize them in any other season, they just wither again. Like if you fertilize them on the last day of mild season, you need to fertilize them again on the first day of humid season for them to grow. That definitely seems like a bug to me. I imagine they should stay fertilized after using say manure on them once, and then only grow in humid season, after which they should need fertilization either after so many harvests or after the humid season ends.

There are TONS of nettles on every map, so there shouldn't be a need to lower their cooldown. They are not the only thing that stops hay fever and you can stock them infinitely for a food source as they do not spoil and make a decent crockpot recipe using 3 nettles + 1 stick to make nettle rolls which on top of giving you 25 hunger, 20 health, and 5 sanity, prevent hay fever for a long time (roughly 1.5 in game days). I feel like lowering the cooldown would break them pretty hard.

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