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General Bugs (Willow)

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Willows lighter keeps going out while walking through the caves even though its in the slot. 

Leaving shops or house causes rain to start every time. 

I would be great if Guards would forget you after a couple of days. I accidentally stole/damaged something once and the guards would remember me and hunt me every time I came back which was really annoying. 

A lot of stuff is missing in terms of usefulness. There are still loads of materials that you can't use for anything or can't refine/craft into anything like the pig skin? from the huge bats and minerals, gems etc.

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10 minutes ago, LyaraTheGreat said:

Willows lighter keeps going out while walking through the caves even though its in the slot. 

Leaving shops or house causes rain to start every time. 

I would be great if Guards would forget you after a couple of days. I accidentally stole/damaged something once and the guards would remember me and hunt me every time I came back which was really annoying. 

A lot of stuff is missing in terms of usefulness. There are still loads of materials that you can't use for anything or can't refine/craft into anything like the pig skin? from the huge bats and minerals, gems etc.

The pigs are a bit smarter now, you can actually pay them ten Oinc to make them stop attacking you. Or you can "dispose" of them.

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