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Vacuum chamber

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Hello first thank u for all the hell u guys have been giving me recently. It's really been helping alot.

Now I need help creating a vacuum chamber that won't let any gas in. It's to the room that will have my steam turbine and I read that if u have multiple gases in with the steam than the steam will get deleted. I've trying for a couple hours and I'm just not good with the And/or not gates. Plz help 

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31 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

Even better to use naphtha (by melting plastic) because it insulates much better.

Best is to use the new Visco-gel, you can stack it just like how naphtha use to stack before it got nerfed 

add a jump gap with a minimum 3 tile depth and dupes will never get wet feet, or exhale to break the lock


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4 minutes ago, Neotuck said:

Best is to use the new Visco-gel, you can stack it just like how naphtha use to stack before it got nerfed 

Don't need visco-gel to make that kind of airlock though ;) You can make it more compact and with better thermal properties just using regular liquids instead of visco-gel. ;)

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3 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

Don't need visco.gel to make that kind of airlock though ;) You can make it more compact and with better thermal properties just using regular liquids instead of visco-gel. ;)

if the goal is to insulate then visco-gel is still the best option

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1 minute ago, Saturnus said:

I doubt it. Remember with a regular liquid lock we're talking grams of liquids instead of 100kg per tile.

give me a few min to test this, but wouldn't increasing the heat capacity slow down the transfer of heat? 

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2 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

Like this. No tile gap to slow down. No soggy feet because it's 300g of the top 3 liquid layers. Because of the bottom is a full tile it is very stable as well.

the jump is to prevent exhaling, a single packet of CO2 will break this

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3 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

Nope. Only if there's breathable gas on both sides.

If there is breathable gas on only one side it's even more dangerous

if a dupe runs out of breath it will run to the airlock to breath, sense dupes only need to be one packet away from oxygen to breath the dupe will stop in the middle of the liquid lock to catch their breath, exhaling plenty of CO2 right on the liquid breaking it

BTW here is a test on how insulating the liquid airlocks are, one has water, petroleum, naphtha, and oil stacked in 10g packets, the other is visco-gel stacked in 200kg packets

the third picture was taken after 1 cycle


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