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Ranching isn't working

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52 minutes ago, avc15 said:

you need a critter drop-off under "food" menu placed inside your ranch, a spot for your rancher to drop the hatch off at.

Further question, so I had them dropped off, but only one of them has this leg-band thing to be domesticated, the rest of them are wild.  Also it says they're crowded, what is the limit for a stable?

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15 hours ago, ProfMembrane said:

So I have a rancher and a stable with a feeder and a grooming station, but when I have him wrangle a hatch, for eample, he trusses them up and then they just sorta stay there, how does it go from there to being domesticated?  AM I missing something?

Anyone can deliver to the critter drop off. Both the drop off station, the grooming station, and even the wrangling can be prioritized differently.

Overcrowding is determined by the room size and number in desired room, so if you want to mix wild and domestic, just open the door to the ranch but use general layouts to keep the area feeder-accesible.

.. fair warning, while I was testing, I noticed that hatches can poop themselves out of their bound-up state.


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The general rule is 12 tiles per hatch, for a maximum of 8 in a 96 sized stable.

They'll get domesticated over the course of 2 cycles exactly, if they get groomed on a timer (grooming makes their wilderness decrease for 50% a day so... with a few secs delay you'll probably get between the groomed buff expiring and grooming it again... it's going to take something like 2.1 cycles).

While hatches can pass under a 1-tile high passage, be careful as your dupes can not pick them up if they get stuck wrangled under them. They unbind after about 1 cycle though when wrangled if not taken to a drop-off. As mentioned, anybody can deliver to a critter drop-off, but to make it a ranch you need to place a grooming station in there. And don't forget a critter feeder ;)

Also, keep your incubators for eventual re-population out of the stable, as they generate a substantial amount of heat when turned on. And be sure to mark the drop-off for hatchlings in addition to hatches when they start dying off and you start repopulating. In the meantime, enjoy the omelettes :)

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Feel free to shoot with the questions :) I decided to grow a full-on organic ranching based colony, as ranching finally seemed well done and the grooming animation was so cute.

If you're doing Hatches, the Stone Hatch is the only one with 1:1 consumed:otput ratio, so that's what you want to go for. Sage hatches will consume all your dirt too fast (found that one out the hard way); once you get past the first breeding stage plain hatches are token only and there's a mixed opinion out on smooth hatches. I like them, since they don't produce any heat at all for metal->refined metal production, but you have to keep your farm tiny.

Also, my warm advice is to use coal generators if you're using hatches. They're not only good for eggs and meat, but also for coal. If you manage to put  your coal gens close to the hatchery, they're a great source of power -- and if you save your CO2 you can replace hatches with slicksters eventually and feed them with the resulting CO2 :)

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