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Requesting suggestions regarding cooling.

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Hey, long time listener, first time caller!


Anyway, I'm at a point where I have a cool steam geyser funneling 120f water into a contained electrolyzer setup, which pumps the oxygen across a nearby heat nullifier in a radiator setup before going into the main base.

The hydrogen input to the nullifier I have sealed off with a valve rigged to open up when the local temperature is 85f via thermostat (I haven't hit that point yet due to ambient temperature being low from former ice biome) (currently overflow hydrogen is sent to a hydrogen generator)

I'm looking to do the same radiator build with a water pipe to set up bristleberriy farms, but i'm concerned the water input would not cool to an acceptable range before leaving the radiator.

The solution I currently have in mind is to set up a timer, and use an AND switch between the timer and the thermostat to a valve shutoff (at the end of the radiator) so the effect is: for a short period every day water will pour through, but only if the temperature is within an acceptable range.

My question for the audience is: does this seem like a viable, non bug exploity, method to achieve the cool water I need (and produce enough cool water for the farms)

Sadly, no screenshots are available at this time: PC is in another asteroid.

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cooling liquids with gases does not work within a short time frame very well / lots of liquid.


If you did manage to pull it off using hydrogen gas, it would not scale well for bigger farms. I could be wrong but I have attempted this myself without much success. aquatuner under a natural gas generator works pretty well in my opinion

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Try making two tanks. Fill one with your hot water and the second one with random polluted water you can find in the swamp biomes or just lavatory water. Build an aquatuner in the polluted water tank (you can use metal tiles under it and some tempshift plates to spread the heat better). Start pumping the hot water through the aquatuner and back into the tank. After around 30 cycles (depending on the tank size might be more) the water should be at a managable temperature.

Make some automation and use it to turn off the aquatuner if the water gets too cold and to start pumping it out. Tip: use 2 pumps, forks in the pipes will reduce the speed water flows through and will reduce your cooling speed.

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I don't understand where the heat from the polluted water ends up going in the above example.  Wouldn't it just get hotter and hotter and hotter?


Eew I just realized that sieve outputs at a constant temperature so you can use it for cooling.  That's a useful way to play the game but extremely unsatisfying to my brain for some reason.

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  • User registered almost a day ago;
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Is this what propaganda feels like?

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Yes, yes it is.


But yeah, my M.O is to read the instruction manual, look online for sources (which I failed at, but @Denisetwin was better at), then go ask the question. When that fails, then I go get bidy parts stuck in a fan.


As far as the gap in activity, I posted that right before a long drive, and driving/posting is bad, or so I've been told.

29 minutes ago, this.cris said:
  • User registered almost a day ago;
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Is this what propaganda feels like?



16 hours ago, greggbert said:

I don't understand where the heat from the polluted water ends up going in the above example.  Wouldn't it just get hotter and hotter and hotter?


Eew I just realized that sieve outputs at a constant temperature so you can use it for cooling.  That's a useful way to play the game but extremely unsatisfying to my brain for some reason.

I'm with you there @greggbert. The heat destruction exploits I'm not a fan of either. That said what I'm thinking of doing is either pumping the dirty water into a magma steam turbine (if I can figure that out) or set up a collection pit in the space biome so dirty water can evaporate into space (would be nicer if I could just jettison heated dirty water into space, but IDK if the gravity of the asteroid keeps it down in space tiles.

Followup thought: do asteroids hitting liquids stop the impact, similar to an object hitting the ocean? Testing must be done.

@Denisetwin if it werent for the diagrams i'd be scratching my head over that. I'll probably be making something like that real soon instead of the radiator coil.

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16 hours ago, greggbert said:

Eew I just realized that sieve outputs at a constant temperature so you can use it for cooling.  That's a useful way to play the game but extremely unsatisfying to my brain for some reason.

If it bothers you so much, then feed it 40C water. That isn't hard to do. There are also mods which change that.

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18 minutes ago, Monzill said:

look online for sources (which I failed at, but @Denisetwin was better at)

it's hard to find things on the forum right now because so many of the old "tried and true" builds no longer work (biggest example is drip cooling).  For me at least, I'm always happy to point to something that still works when someone asks.  So many helped me here when I was a newbie.

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@greggbert @Monzill You don't have to send the water through a sieve to cool it.  You could use the hot PW as a stage for a boiler.  When the temp gets close to 105c or so, send it off to the boiler.  The resulting steam (water) has a lower heat capacity, so heat is lost in the process.  

You could also use a wheezewart farm, or an AETN, or any of a number of different methods.  The water sieve is just a very simple method.

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