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All about wild plants especially meal leaf

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I'm  new with ONI, so there are some questions. First one, wild plants: what we know about them? the only thing I found is, they grows up 4 times slower then expected. I search for possibilities to grow some plants "wild". Because they will not need any support anymore.

This would make possible some good Gecko ranches, for example.

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Pincha peppers, reed fiber, and sleet wheat are the most popular to grow wild

35 minutes ago, Geizkragen said:

This would make possible some good Gecko ranches, for example.

If you mean Drecko stables then I would disagree, wild plants don't grow fast enough to sustain tamed dreckos unless you plan to keep them wild too

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@Geizkragen, I'm not sure there's a thread about plants, but you can read most things about them in the in-game encyclopedia anyways(click on the little book when you select something to go to the encyclopedia). However, there is a thread about critters, so here it is - 

  I hope that's helpful.

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I mean Drecko stable, ty Neotuck.

Drecko stable with wild meal wood would mean free resources (phosporite).

This game seems to convert some resources to less resources, dont matter what you do. So I'm searching for possibilities to compensate it. And they are: morbs (pO2), WILD shine bugs (light, decor), sunlight, wild plants. We have some geyser, vulcan for using the heat, bit it is not trivial. I didnt fount any other possibility to create / increase resources. But this, in general, is an other topic.

So I'm searching for possibilities for growing wild plants. ANY possibilities (include bugusing, unexpected behaviour etc) or Information. So I know, before cosmic update it WAS possible to drop seed on natural tile. After some time, seed becomes wild plant. But now, it is not going anymore.

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11 minutes ago, Geizkragen said:

Drecko stable with wild meal wood would mean free resources (phosporite).

There is quite literally tons of Phosphorite on the map, so you don't really need to worry about a second source (ie Dreckos) for a long time.

11 minutes ago, Geizkragen said:

So I'm searching for possibilities for growing wild plants. ANY possibilities (include bugusing, unexpected behaviour etc) or Information. So I know, before cosmic update it WAS possible to drop seed on natural tile. After some time, seed becomes wild plant. But now, it is not going anymore.

The only non-glitch way to grow wild plants is to never dig them up currently.  If you're going to glitch anyway, you might as well just use the sandbox.

EDIT: Also, there's not enough wild mealwood on the map.  You really need a farm, Dreckos are giant eating machines.

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Plants grow 1k calories per cycle (all plants) for the purpose of feeding Dreckos. Regular Drecko requires 2k calories per day, Glossy 3k. It basically means you need 2/3 plants per Drecko. The extremely slow growth cycle of wild plants isn't much of a resource saver in regards to Dreckos. However regular Dreckos eat lillies which do not consume anything to grow.

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If you want glitches - let dreckos starve and save/load every 5-6 cycles - starve timer resets so they don't need ANY FEEDING - problem solved! Same for other critters, just mind the starving timer and reload before it gets to 0.

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