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Beefalo:Frog rain magnets?

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image.png.859571931124040abb306286f1ed812a.pngSo out of my debugging scientific curiosity, I first typed in a hundred beefalo. When frog rain happened, the frogs didn't go after me but after the beefalo. IS there a reason why the frogs decided to be kamikaze frog fighters?

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Non Heat beefalo theory: I believe its more of a random chain reaction which happens since us (the playable characters) try to move away from the frogs, whereas beefalo don't. Frogs are D**ks that  and eventually aggro whatever they are close to, and if that happens to be a beefalo, a mutual aggresion will happen between those. Since both species tend to protect each other, it just starts a massive war between the two.

Beefalo's in heat theory (as shown in the picture): They are very territorial and aggresive towards everything, so as soon as a single frog lands next to them, it will be instantly attacked, and the chain reaction among the two species will just happen faster, leaving you alone to stare at the carnage.

A beefalo hat and at least 5 or 6 beefalos in heat are usually the best way to collect all the frog legs the sky has to throw at you. I see frog rain as a blessing sent by the constant's gods, to appease my needs of eggs for the rest of the ingame year.

Edit #1: I think non heat beefalo are not aggroed by frogs, so there goes that. So its option number 2.

Edit #2:

♫ It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred survivors or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in the constaaant
I bless the frog rains down in constant
I bless the Frog raaain ♫

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