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What classifies as a mega base?

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I play with my cousin and we are currently at day 660. Our base is pretty big, covering 1/2 of the grassy biome with bunny/pig farms and all that jazz. As we were adding a spider farm to our base, he asked, "Is our base a mega base?". I stopped and wondered... hmmmm what is a mega base? I guess if your base is big... But I'm still confused.. How big does your base need to be in order for it to be called a mega base? What does your base have to have for it to be a mega base? Or is a mega base just simply... a large base? 


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I mean, you've taken over half a biome now, and you're shifting from gathering your resources yourself to automated mass production.  I'd say that counts.

In my 1200 day DS world, I didn't really consider my base a mega base because it's just barely a couple crock pots, a couple ice boxes, enough storage space for my stuff (admittedly, quite a lot), and 24 drying racks because spiders, moles, and birds can add up quickly.  But that's it.  There's no industrialized meat production; I still have to hunt everything myself.  And I only built 1 pig house.  But I came to realize that it was, in fact, a mega base in spite of its sparse and minimalist construction.  There's a small durian farm to the north with only 8 farms in it, but it has its own support infrastructure (bird cage, 4 crock pots, ice box, manure storage).  There's supply chests and lightning rods at all the touch stones.  There's lightning rods to protect the tallbird nests.  There's a distant logging site with nothing important around it so I can use the old bell without worry.  There's a winter camp with 6 drying racks, a small kitchen, and a little storage up by the MacTusks.  There's cobblestone arenas to safely fight bosses in two biomes.  There's a fire pit and birdcage by the pig king so I can convert monster meat into eggs and then gold.  I've got a road to the reed trap and lightning rods to protect it.  All the tumbleweed spawners are caged and connected by roads.  All the natural roads and wormholes have been joined by cobblestones.  There's the emergency seed bank I built out in the desert with a birdcage and backup plant samples so I don't need to rely on luck to get a seed for each plant.  And there's my four bee boxes that I always forget exist, but they're placed in a small biome I'd specifically designated for them.  So it's sort of a nebula base - up close it looks like there's hardly anything there, but zoom out the map and a pattern emerges.  It's a loose collection of microservices to a conventional mega-base's Weibo.

So I'd say there's a few criteria for mega bases:

  • It's taken over the majority of a biome.
  • It's gone beyond immediate survival needs and started being planned, organized, and decorative.
  • It spans multiple biomes with a network of roads connecting sections with specialized roles.
  • It has separate sections that are experimental in nature, just to test a design idea.
  • It has emergency preparedness features built across the map in anticipation of future threats.
  • It has automated and/or mass-production of resources.

Pick any two from the list.

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