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Crude Oil question:

Why should I use an oil well (consuming water) and not simply a liquid pump?

Resistance ? (I can use gold amalgam)

Well is "pumping" underneath itself?

Speed? pump max 10 kg/s were well is only 3.3 kg/s

I don't get it.

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1 hour ago, Argelle said:

OK thanks !

I did not think of the reservoir like this, I just assume they were like "oil geyser"...


Like in real life, you use water to increase pressure and make the oil coming up

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Yeah this confused me as well, they need to make it clearer in game for the Oil well that it uses a geyser type object and not regular oil pools. I wasted ages trying different oil well setups over oil pools not realising it was for something else entirely :(


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9 minutes ago, Jigsawn said:

Yeah this confused me as well, they need to make it clearer in game for the Oil well that it uses a geyser type object and not regular oil pools. I wasted ages trying different oil well setups over oil pools not realising it was for something else entirely :(


Seems like all the info on oil wells and oil reservoirs are all there...



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Problem is that you don't know what an oil reservoir is unless you already found one. I just assumed that it was a reservoir (I.e. lake) of oil.

However this was before the encyclopedia was added, which I'd forgotten about. Now if they have a hyperlink to the Reservoir you can access from the Oil Well description, that solves the problem. Looking at your screenshot it doesn't look like they've updated that yet. But once they do it should be fine.

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42 minutes ago, Jigsawn said:

Now if they have a hyperlink to the Reservoir you can access from the Oil Well description, that solves the problem.

you should make a post on the suggestions and feedback forum, this would be a good idea

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