Suggested Characters for SW: Wobble – A drunken, washed out failed pirate and Wonky – A marooned crazy island castaway

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I had these idea's for these guys while playing Shipwrecked. Long ago I thought of entering a Halloween character creation competition but never entered it. I had planed on creating The Addams Family with Cousin Itt having a beard (he is all hair) that can store items (own personal chest).


Wonky – So while playing I thought of a crazy guy who got stuck on the island with twigs in his hair and can hold extra items in his crazy beard (he can not or will not cut his beard). He could be on the boarder of insanity (so unless fill would always be suffering or fighting monsters) and would be an extreme character to play I guess.


Wobble –  As for the pirate I thought he could just have a weird movement path or walking style and a parrot on his shoulder that will fly off and return with an item or seeds. (Maybe his own personal infinite magic Grog Swig bottle to keep him topsy turvy).

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With Wonky, I would say a very low max sanity combined with a special trait that makes him extra resistant to certain sources of sanity loss. Maybe he can be immune to sanity loss from sanity aura. Maybe immune to it both ways. Wonky is too oblivious to notice sanity reducing stuff.

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Concerning Wobble. Skip the parrot. We got enough pirate theme already, doesn't need more of that low brow stereotype puked in the game. Instead...

Wobble can make anything into alcohol. Can craft one alcoholic drink out of any fruit (including coconuts) and a palm leaf.  Alcoholic drinks retain the same cooked food value as that which they are made from. They never spoil. But they do take time to become alcohol, (maybe a day)  till then its fruit juice (which has the same food value) 

Drinks do not stack, each drink requires one slot. You can latter craft barrels of drink with wooden boards and 20 of the same fruit. These barrels have 20 charges. 

Alcohol makes you drunk. Which means your perspective changes at random like e and q are being pressed. Preferably if possible this will be more of a gradual shift and not sudden like the buttons. This will make it hard for players to move in a straight line and target things.  Various tasks can be fumbled when drunk, like mining and cutting trees, a fumble means you fail in that instant, still lose item durability and suffer minor physical damage. But making camp fires and torches never fumbles.  Maybe some graphical distortion of the screen like with insanity when drunk.

Being drunk causes resistance to insanity auras and causes you to move a little slower.

Wobble has a iron belly and can eat anything stale as though it were fresh, and spoiled as though it were only stale. Wobble can eat monster meat as though it were regular meat. (or at least able to do so when drunk)

Wobble has a very high sanity max and HP. 

Wobble requires being drunk. If being drunk wears off, first you go into hang over mode. Hang over means you suffer damage from loud noises and move evens lower than being drunk. Red eye graphic (what you get when injured) makes it hard to see things in bright light (day time and not under a tree shade) when hung over. Afterwards Wobble has a period of being not drunk, but fine. But if wobble is sober for too long, she or he starts suffering from sanity loss, first at a lower rate, but then faster. 

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