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Slicksters convertion rate

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Hi short question. I have read that slicksters convert carbon dioxide to oil 1:1. However when I was boiling oil to to NG my oil level was dropping. I was pumping in the exact amount of carbon dioxide that i was pumping out oil to the boiler.

Now I have been pumping in about 50% more carbon dioxide than I am pumping out oil for maybe 50-60 cycles without change in oil level.

So my question is. Have the changed the ratio in some patch?

And if so what is the new ratio.

If ratio indeed is 1:1. How come I was "loosing" oil?

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I've run this experiment again several times. Ratio is exactly 1:1.

I start with 80kg of CO2 in the pump room. I end up with 80kg of crude oil in the slickster pen.

The SR latch limits the pressure to be between 50g/tile and 200g/tile. Probably just need a sensor to limit pressure to 200g/tile though.

Space heaters ensure the slickster are happy.

The conversion rate is 250g/s per slickster.


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