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First experience was so off-putting it made me wish there was report button


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I played Don't Starve and all of the dlc before buying Don't Starve Together and i decided to give forging a try and oh my god I hate it.

Yes, I went in without knowing anything about forging because that is how Don't Starve is, it's trial and error. I choose a server with the title "All players all welcome" and there was nothing in the description. As I was looking through the choice of characters they started to put "Andrea" on the chat and as you can see above is not how my username is written, so when people to that I usually try to ignore them, and I continued to look for through the characters. And then they wrote again that name and nothing else, so I was very confused about what was going on. the next time they wrote "andrea you d*ck"(it's a translation of what they said but I think you get the point)  and then I was even more confused why this dude was calling me that. I decided to choose Wendy and oh my god I got insulted again because apparently, i shouldn't have done that. I was really overwhelmed with everything that was going on and didn't know what the command for writing in chat is, so I ignored the guy that was talking. Let me state here that in the game I gather everything I see and I thought here was the same, well how wrong I was... I picked up a helmet that supposedly was for a guy that was a runner and oh my god I really wish I didn't, cuz it was not worth it was coming next. The guy insulted me, called me incompetent, besides the fact that I choose the wrong character I even take his gear, I mean how dare I do that (since all the don't starve games taught me to do exactly that so I would survive). and he continued like insulting me the rest of the game and made me wish to just leave everyone there hanging but I didn't want to do that because I obviously saw that, that would do a lot of damage to the "team".
So yeah I really wish I could have reported that guy for the way he treated me and made me not want to play with anyone other them my friends ever again. And since I don't have enough friend to make a team I will probably never play this mode again. It's sad cuz it looks life fun once you get the hang of it :(

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you'll run into a*** everywhere and it's hard to play when you're lvl 1 now. But still - maybe he wanted to give you some tips at the beginning, but you just did't respond because he misspelled your nickname? I've seen a lot of new people who just do what they want, don't listen, and what I try to talk to them they don't answer and just f*** everyones game. How should he know you were not one like that if you do not respond? Everyone has to start sometime, that's true. Point is if they want to learn, or just want to wast everyones time. I have no problem playing with lvl 1 if they listen. They won't win in their first game, it is obvious, but after few tries why not? Today we won having lvl 10 with us. But if he didn't know something he asked, or just listen when we told him not to do something.

so main tip is: if you're new and don't know what to do listen and answer so they will know you listen. Of course some will be instant jerks, but do not play with them. They usually hurt their team more than you can ;)

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Yeah I’d say that type of behavior isn’t acceptable if the lobby says it’s for all players, maybe they were already tilted when you joined but I think this is in general more of a problem with how combat focused the event is. It really can bring out the worst of people who are supposed to be your teammates, League of Legends has been trying to fix these types of issues for what seems forever. Best advice I can give is to find some Discord groups to join where everyone is on voice coms, even if you don’t want to talk it’s a lot easier for us higher level players to explain how the game mode works and what’s expected of you as a teammate. 

There are some really toxic people in the DST community sadly but most of us are pretty chill and willing to help you learn.

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I mean, picking up whatever you see is the reason why new players are generally offputting to begin with, as everyone is hugely gear dependant. Hopefully you were at least dropping the gear and picking something else up, otherwise I see no reason they wouldn't be upset at you.

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While playing the The Forge from the rather early beta to the upcoming finale in November, I saw very many different players in public games and how they were behaving. The spectrum spanned from everything between the really friendly towards people who hardly deserved it, to players who were being overly toxic to newcomers and strangers even though they clearly were eager to listen and learn.

Depending on how much time you spent in the public games of The Forge, you might have had a bad experience with only toxic encounters.

The best tip would be, after spending some time in the public games, is to ask the nice people you encounter to add you on Steam and stick to playing with those. After a moment you'll realize that you have a tightly knit group of people that will be in a good mood and on the same level, who will willingly want to beat The Forge together (it will also be easier to communicate and set up strategies consequently). When it comes to the other kind of players, it's simply best to ignore them.

Hopefully you won't have trouble to assemble a nice team and beat the boss. It sure was fun the first time my team of random people managed to do it. :D

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