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Oscillator designs?

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I'm curious if anyone has made repeater oscillator circuits. So far I have found one reliable way to make a repeater oscillator:


A not gate, buffer, and filter in a loop.


The repeater oscillator acts as a clock cycle with each state lasting either x or y seconds where x is the buffer time and y is the filter time. I usually use segments of a cycle so multiples of 7 seconds gives .5% increments.

Is this the most efficient way to make a repeater oscillator?

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I believe yes. You cannot reduce this if you want it to alternate between active and standby for the same amount of time. But I wonder if it would be more useful to have an active signal for Xs and a standby signal for Ys, except if that goes beyond what a repeater is supposed to do?

Depending on what the purpose of this is you can add another filter to the output to reduce the time it sends active. So the part of the repeater would steer the frequency and on top of that you build a filter or buffer to steer the length of the signal.

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That's not a repeater. A repeater is something that receives an input and re-emits that signal in either the same and amplified form, or in another form that is interpretable to devices that does not understand the original transmitter.

Any way, it's an oscillator. And can be built with a NOT and 2 two buffers or filters. Some more simple devices here


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18 hours ago, sixsevensix said:

A not gate, buffer, and filter in a loop.

Yes, I use the same thing to periodically remove unwanted gases in atmosphere controlled rooms. For instance, I set the buffer to 5s and the filter to 200s. The small pump connected to this circuit is running roughly 1/400 of time.

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I do mine  using two filters with a not gate sandwiched in-between the two. That way you can set it up to either have equal on/off times, or make it periodically pulse either on or off. I dunno I just feel it gives greater control since you can control when each filter first receives its signal and maintain the state of the wire while the opposite filter is activating.

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20 hours ago, clickrush said:

I think what he wants to accomplish is some kind of synchronization, using the term repeater intuitively.

Kind of a bad habit of mine. I tend to say repeater because it is a repeated signal change so I say repeater when I mean oscillator.

I was just wondering if this is the most efficient method of designing a tool to have a timed/clocked signal. The Not-Buffer-Filter method I've been using makes it easy to pick exactly how long you want each state to remain active so its served all of my needs so far. The buffer determines how long to remain active (green) and the the filter determines how long to remain inactive(red).

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On 11/14/2017 at 4:45 AM, Saturnus said:

His was exactly like you suggested. I prefer the double filter (or double buffer) set up too instead of a filter/buffer set up.

I actually designed that system before Filter Gates got added, so I was stuck with only Buffer Gates. A few of my original designs could stand to be updated since the addition of Filter Gates and the changes to some of the sensors since the initial release of the preview.

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