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Match Time XP Exploiting


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So I didn't see a full thread on this, and while it didn't seem an issue at first it does seem pretty important. While this isn't relevant to many—those capable of it are able to exploit the match-time XP by creating an out of game script to have their player dodge a single Pit Pig automatically and thus build up considerable XP without effort.

I'm no so sure how to combat this. The only thing that really comes to mind is forcing the next waves after a certain amount of time, since it seems to me like scripted kiting would fail in the later matches. Forcing waves could end up devastating normal play though, if not done properly.

Any ideas from the community would be great as this seems like something critical.

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I'm not sure we should speak about it on forum since as far as i know Klei prefer abuse to be reported in private.


Maybe the bonus about time could be linked to number of wave survived, so if you survive only one wave, it's not important, even for hours, but if you survive until boarilla, it's as it is now, for example.

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I think a decent condition for forcing next waves is that the current wave of creatures hasn't received any amount of damage OR no attacks hasn't been against creatures in a considerable set amount of time.

No damage still? Start next wave.

Maybe even add in Pugna saying stuff like "Are you gonna run around all day? Send in the next wave!"


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6 minutes ago, Lumina said:

I'm not sure we should speak about it on forum since as far as i know Klei prefer abuse to be reported in private.

Since it takes having/making a script, few will be able to do it even after reading this. So I thought I would be keep it here.

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I've seen that too. Yes, I feel like XP points should be given based on time, but in this way.

Reward those that killed the boarrior, the less time it took you to do it, more XP points (like a speed run kind of thing). If it took you 3 hours to kill the boarrior you should be rewarded, but more than those who spent 8 hours kiting the first pig wave, and less than those who killed the boarrior in 20 min.

So i think XP points should be based on: the stage you ended up, if you were defeated or not, and then time based (less time more reward, just in case of a victory)




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