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How to build underwater?

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So, I keep running into this and I'm hoping more experienced players can help me out with any techniques they may know of to work around the problem.

My navigation seems to cut off about 3 ladder tiles short of where they can build from when I drive a ditch into the slime biome(s) and collect up my polluted water.  I can't seem, even with a Move To command, to get them to finish the build out.


What technique(s) do you use to get around this?

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9 hours ago, Kasuha said:

Duplicants can go only certain distance under water. Build the pump where they can reach, and build another pump when you get the pool emptier. You won't lose any materials.

I never have checked, but does this also apply for the dupes with the amphibious trait?

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The general consensus is that they can only move some distance combination of movement equaling 8 tiles, regardless of being amphibious or not. They can then work on something up to 3 tiles or 4 depending on angle from that end point. This counter begins inside This first full liquid tile - which is why you only got down 11 segments.

The best solution is to widen your pool or just stick your pump in where you can reach it, and as Kasuha has pointed out, build the other later.

I usually prefab my basins and then start dropping water in them. Not always practical, but I can make them fairly deep using the right materials.

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17 hours ago, Kasuha said:

Duplicants can go only certain distance under water. Build the pump where they can reach, and build another pump when you get the pool emptier. You won't lose any materials.

Basically what I've been stuck doing, but it depends on just how deep the materials drop when you deconstruct the upper ones as to if you can get to them again in a reasonable time frame.

16 hours ago, Hanmac said:

Another idea might be to install air locks and turn that into an air camber

I'm assuming you mean an air chamber, basically a PO generator?  That's the intent eventually, but this isn't ideal for the location. This is basically a storage ditch for all the polluted water I ran into running up a slime biome on my hunt for the geysers.  Eventually, it'll get over to one, but not yet.  This current playthrough for me is all about playing with liquid chlorine... because screw you, slimelung!

3 hours ago, The Plum Gate said:

I usually prefab my basins and then start dropping water in them. Not always practical, but I can make them fairly deep using the right materials.

Thanks for the movement info, appreciated.  I have a prefab basin already in the base proper, this is just a catch basin I'm using to fill it and get it out of the way of other projects.

Thanks everyone.  I'd hoped I'd simply missed some kind of override command but apparently I'm just too ambitious!

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