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Raw mealworm should have a chance to cause illness

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1 hour ago, Kasuha said:

or will simply cool the water using the aquatuner.

Considering the number of people that seem to have problems with the aquatuner (not realizing it needs to be in water), I'm not sure I'd count on newbs to be able to just easily use it.  It also has some pretty gnarly power requirements, though granted you can process less and not use the full amount (newbs probably don't understand this).  Plus right now it's a tier 0 freebie.  I'm guessing at some point it'll actually be in the upper end of the research tree.  It'd be a  lot more beneficial for the game in general if Klei just made hydrofans more user friendly and actually useful, so they don't seem like such an unfinished remnant of previous ideas.

Beyond aquatuners, if the player can make it to an ice biome then they can probably make frost buns, probably pepper bread, and there's a good chance they'll at least have seen mushrooms, though maybe they're too scared to go get them.

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3 hours ago, Kasuha said:

Well okay, I'll correct my statement. I believe even new people will notice that their plants are stifled due to heat, and will check the temperature overlay, will realize that it's their water pipes what is too hot - and they'll either build insulated pipes (-> less reduction of farm lifetime), find out about abyssalite (solution of choice) or will simply cool the water using the aquatuner. So I don't think there's a problem that newbies will have no clue how to solve.

The same people that didn't know about the water bottler and wouldn't use a wash basin.... Worlds doomed XD

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