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Need help with custom character abilities.

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Hello! I am making a mod for Chat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug, and I've finished all of the art and coding aside from specific character abilities. If somebody could, would you be awfully kind in helping me figure out how to make him weak to rain, see in the dark(if possible?), and able to poison, similar to the sans mod here? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=559804807

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local function SetBeaverVision(inst, enable) if enable then inst.components.playervision:ForceNightVision(true) inst.components.playervision:SetCustomCCTable(BEAVERVISION_COLOURCUBES) else inst.components.playervision:ForceNightVision(false) inst.components.playervision:SetCustomCCTable(nil) end end
How would this be changed(if this is the correct sequence) to be able to incorporate night vision into a character ability?
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Is there anything calling those functions? Before you can worry about whats in them, you have to find a way to call them when its dark/bright respectively so they will run. Where are those functions from? Can you figure out what's calling them?

Maybe you could use an event listener to call them. I happen to remember an event listener I used in one of my old mods for a character when entering the dark.

inst:ListenForEvent("enterdark", function(inst) 
	--you can put the code you want to run in here--
	inst.entity:AddLight()  --like probably this, 
	--and the rest of whatever was in that function

You can put that in the master_postinit of your character. Whatever is inside of it will run every time your character enters full darkness.

I remember that "enterdark" is the event name for entering darkness, but I don't remember the event name for leaving darkness. I'm sure there is one though.

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Nightvision has to be run inside of common_postinit.

    day = "images/colour_cubes/ruins_light_cc.tex",
    dusk = "images/colour_cubes/ruins_dim_cc.tex",
    night = "images/colour_cubes/purple_moon_cc.tex",
    full_moon = "images/colour_cubes/purple_moon_cc.tex",

local function SetNightVision(inst, enable) --This should be obvious
    if TheWorld.state.isnight or TheWorld:HasTag("cave") then

--In common_postinit
	inst:WatchWorldState( "isday", function() SetNightVision(inst) end)
  	inst:WatchWorldState( "isdusk", function() SetNightVision(inst) end)
  	inst:WatchWorldState( "isnight", function() SetNightVision(inst)  end)
	inst:WatchWorldState( "iscaveday", function() SetNightVision(inst) end)
  	inst:WatchWorldState( "iscavedusk", function() SetNightVision(inst) end)
  	inst:WatchWorldState( "iscavenight", function() SetNightVision(inst)  end)
	SetNightVision(inst) --This is here to make sure the NightVision is enabled when a player rejoins.

This is the code I use in my mod. I'm sure theres a better way to WatchWorldState bit, but it'll work.

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