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Liquid valve broken?

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2 hours ago, Xuhybrid said:

If the flow rate at the output end is lower, then the water in the pipe will compress after you have split it in the valve. If you have a constant output, it will never compress.

Shouldn't it stop sending out if I set flow control to 0?

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When you adjust the valve setting, it has that only as a request. A dupe must come and do the adjustment. And there is a bug involved - the dupe will not come if the valve is blocked. Which is very easy to achieve. In such situation, it's better to deconstruct the valve and the two pieces of pipe below it, construct them again but without attaching the two pieces of pipe to anything, then adjust the valve, wait till a dupe applies the adjustment, and only then attach the pipes (it will happen right away, no dupe construction needed).

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22 minutes ago, Kasuha said:

When you adjust the valve setting, it has that only as a request. A dupe must come and do the adjustment. And there is a bug involved - the dupe will not come if the valve is blocked. Which is very easy to achieve. In such situation, it's better to deconstruct the valve and the two pieces of pipe below it, construct them again but without attaching the two pieces of pipe to anything, then adjust the valve, wait till a dupe applies the adjustment, and only then attach the pipes (it will happen right away, no dupe construction needed).

so I have to repeat deconstruct/construct procedure everytime to adjust the valve?

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7 minutes ago, tulkaz said:

so I have to repeat deconstruct/construct procedure everytime to adjust the valve?

You can always adjust a valve if it's sitting on an empty pipe. The problem only occurs if it's processing packets and especially if it's blocked, so the pipe behind it is full and not moving, or its output is on disconnected piece of pipe and there is liquid on the valve's input. So it really depends on the situation, there are valves that can be adjusted almost anytime, and there are valves that you really need to deconstruct every time you need to adjust them.

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Well yeah, the packets can still merge or split after they have had their pressure changed in the pipes. The valve doesn't set the pressure of the pipes after it, it changes the packet once. If you have issues setting the valve pressure, you have something blocking it which can be resolved.

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I had this problem the other day. I built a water airlock room to stop Polluted Oxygen from entering the base with 2 Mechanical Airlocks. One airlock was set to P5, so the Dupes wouldn't go to the Liquid Valve to change the pressure. I had to change it to P9 for them to acknowledge the Valve.

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7 minutes ago, Xuhybrid said:

Priority on air locks doesn't determine their path finding...

It has nothing to do with path finding. Its about Priority. If an Airlock is set to a low Priority the Dupe will ignore using it to get to the Valve because the Valve doesn't have a Priority level to force the Dupe to change the setting. Dupes change Valve setting voluntarily. As for how I know this. I changed the Valve settings while also having Dupes dig beside it. They completely ignored the Valve even though they walked right past it repeatedly.

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