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Is there a way to change actions default priority?

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I recommend either being more patient or running on higher game speed.

You should definitely be careful setting priorities differently. If they are sweeping before building it's because it's the most logical job to do for that person, no matter if you think differently.

You increase your dupes stress by making them do things they're not good at or setting priorities higher.

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You can do that setting any action to a higher priority (the default is 5) Duplicants will do task from higher priorities to lower priorities then from the order in the actions menu This works something like traversing a grid from top to bottom then from left to right: (I don't remember all right now)

Level 9 (Sweep -> Build -> Dig)
Level 7 (Sweep -> Build -> Dig)
Level 5 (Sweep -> Build -> Dig)

This means a duplicant will sweep then build then dig if the actions are in the same priority level. But if you order them to dig with a priority of 9, build with a priority of 7 and sweep with a priority of 5 (default) then they will dig then build then sweep.

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I know we can change priority, I just think that by default it should be Build > Sweep... Usually whatever I am building has more priority then sweeping, actually even digging usually has more priority for me. Therefore I would like to be able to change this "master" priorities, change the "Sweep > Build > Deliver > Dig" order.

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They may have sweep be first in order to deliver the stuff to the thing they need to build. but a simple fix would be to simply set your sweeping to priority 4 when using the tool.

Although, there is that annoying thing that happens when you select sweep, but need to reselect a single thing (In cases were many things are on one spot) to set its priority.

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