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[SOLVED]Custom Animation issues

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I recently got into doing animations for emotes and idles, but there is a thing I don't know how to fix;

 What happens is that, for example, if the emote is played, whatever item the player uses disappears and I've looked around but couldn't find a way around it,

 if anyone has any idea how to help I would appreciate!

Edited by halfrose
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Well I attempted the method 3 and it gave me a bunch of errors

I cannot understand how to do the method 2

I attempted method one but I am not sure if I did correctly because regardless it just got overwritten

so now I just have no idea how to do it. 

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12 minutes ago, Kzisor said:

@halfrose, the different symbol names can be found inside a build.bin if you open it with notepad and scroll to the very bottom. They are in plain text. However, the amount of images you need will differ between the animations.

Which I assume is this part over here?


although I did find the ARM_carry and ARM_normal in the anim.bin from the game files


I don't have a lot of idea of what it fully implies?
 what I am assuming is that there are literally duplicated arm sprites called 'ARM_carry' and 'ARM_normal', am I correct or my brain just went to the complete wrong direction?

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24 minutes ago, Kzisor said:

@halfrose, you are correct. There are duplicate arms, there are duplicate body's, etc.

Alright I added test symbols and removed others just to see if they would appear, which unfortunately they did not, so, now all I assume is that the symbols have some other name, either that or I am doing something wrong and I am not realizing, so I am trying to find if there is anywhere in the game files that I can manage to decompile the ARM_carry and ARM_normal from 

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3 minutes ago, Kzisor said:

@halfrose, using krane you can decompile a large amount of the symbols by using the different player animation files with the different builds. For example, if you wanted the swap_object you would need use the player_basic file with say the spear.

it is what I did to get the swap_//object//body//hat and most other things, the only one so far is that I am seemingly failing to find anything that has the 'ARM_carry" which I assume if I look long enough I will find

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@Kzisor , I realized that, it worked but it would not hide, and further inspecting the files I realized it seems to be caused because compiler turns the animations into 'Timeline_ids" aka "timeline_1" - _2 ' etc, I will still look into finding a way around it via animation.

 on the other hand I had this random, not sure if crafty idea, following:
 if the player is not holding a tool it would play a certain animation
if the player is holding a tool, it would play the other identical animation that has the arm in it.

I don't know if it is a good idea but it is kind of a way around it?

EDIT: I got it to work that way, I added a playerpostinit to add a tag, whenever the tag is there, the build changes

I may not have managed to do the way I intended first, but it works regardless : D

Thanks for the help Kzisor, you helped me a lot, if you had not commented I would have probably butt heads with the same method over and over

This is what I did:

AddPlayerPostInit(function(inst, data)

inst:ListenForEvent("equip", function(inst, data)
if inst.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(EQUIPSLOTS.HANDS) then

inst:ListenForEvent("unequip", function(inst, data)
if inst.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(EQUIPSLOTS.HANDS) then



AddStategraphPostInit("wilson", function(sg)
    local _funnyidle_onenter = sg.states.funnyidle.onenter
    sg.states.funnyidle.onenter = function(inst)
        if inst:HasTag("tag") and inst:HasTag("equipped") and inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("idle_inaction") then
            elseif inst:HasTag("tag") and inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("idle_inaction") then



Edited by halfrose
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