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Character code help if it's even possible and artwork query

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Hello, I've recently tried to create artwork for my custom character using the sample character template but have stubled across a problem. My character wears a skirt which is unsymmetric by design. The sample character template skirt only takes into account two sides of a skirt, the front and back profile of a skirt. So this means that the side profile of the skirt looks the same as the front part of the skirt, which is something I obviously don't want. Is there any way to fix this issue by codes or other means?


My other question was related to changing sample character body sizes. If I want my character to let's say, have a smaller torso than the original size or smaller hands than the original will that cause problems? I have zero conception on what to be careful when doing artwork and if I shouldn't do this and that. Thank you for the read.

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for side animations having seperate left and right, you'll have to do 2 anims, one with the left skirt, one with the right skirt then;

local function GetSideAnim(inst)--side animations
	if inst.AnimState:GetCurrentFacing() == 2 then 
		inst.AnimState:SetBuild("character") -- left animation
	elseif inst.AnimState:GetCurrentFacing() == 0 then 
		inst.AnimState:SetBuild("character_right") -- right animation

--masterpostinit function
inst:ListenForEvent("locomotor", GetSideAnim)

I believe that's how it used to work

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7 minutes ago, mf99k said:

for one, you need spriter. open whatever scml you're using and work from there


I don't suppose someone wrote a step by step tutorial possibly? Something that I can look at and apply here. 

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58 minutes ago, mranon245 said:

Can someone please elaborate on what I am supposed to do?

by anims i mean, having yourcharacter.zip (with its art and stuff) and then having yourcharacter_right.zip (which is the same as yourcharacter.zip but having the different skirt in your case).

If you mean you don't know how to compile animations and stuff then I'd suggest looking up sample character tutorial

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the trouble here is that you're gonna need to recode some of the animations since the game automatically mirrors some of them. @Dleowolf might be able to help you set up your build but I'm wondering how we'd set up the idle, run and attack animations with it

Edited by mf99k
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