Quite the interesting series of events.

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Day 32 in Hurricane Season, no Sealnado yet. I head down to the island near my base with 15 monkey dens and several spider dens to try and get some supplies. As soon as dusk hits, WX says "LARGE ATTACKER INCOMING."

I'm ready. I pull out my football helmet, spear, and seashell suit and get ready to brawl, hopefully the monkey will help me.

Sealnado comes in, starts chasing me, and when he pulls me in with his suction attack, he yanks out my spear and several other items.

I back off hoping to make a new weapon with my supplies, but he stole my flint, and the monkeys grabbed it and my spear. Then I look back at the Sealnado, and I see the monkeys, spiders, and snakes all teaming up on the Nado. They stun-lock him to death with no casualities I think. I pick up the turbine blades. By now it's anout nighttime, but I have a problem, I only have torches and it's windy. As soon as it gets dark I pulled out the torch which goes out in several seconds, but before I can craft another one a bunch of spiders start attacking me. It's pitch-black and I'm running for my life from these spiders, losing sanity, and I get attacked by Charlie twice. When morning finally comes I gives the monkeys some bananas and they throw all the crap they picked up at me, including the magic seal and my spear.


I don't even know how to react to this.

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That's way more interesting than my play through.

I basically got lost at sea then died hungry, alone, poisoned, and as my hp hit 0 the raft apparently shattered then shadow sharks ate what was left of me. I love this DLC been addicted ever since. :D


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At least it has a happy ending. This happened to me only my first Warly play:

First few days of Monsoon season. Just got resurrected on a touch stone, my base island isn't far away, so I craft a log raft and start rowing. To my luck, waves are going in my direction, so I'll be in my base in no time. At midway to my base, Tiger Shark spawns. Not a big deal, I didn't do anything wrong, so it won't attack me, nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. Because there is a jellyfish near my boat. And as expected, the Tiger Shark takes a large bite, and I get caught in the cross fire. There I expect to immediately get killed, but no, that would have been to easy. Instead, I got stranded in the middle of the ocean, on a log raft with 1 hit point left, with no means to repair it or craft another boat. After going through all 5 stages of grief, I accept my fate and start rowing again. 2 seconds later, it is all over for Warly.


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The worst thing I had happen was waiting for Sealnado to spawn as Wendy and then the Tiger Shark spawned—which of course Abigail went to attack right away, so when Sealnado did come I was alone with two bosses ._.

It worked out, but it was a pain.

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