[Forum Suggestion] A list of known bugs


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Here's the bugs I've encountered so far : 



1-  When I craft/cook/murder something the result is always "Wet/Soggy X"



2-  During hurricanes season, some trees seem to get uprooted by the wind (there's a cracking sound like a tree falling down and logs on the floor) however the sprite of the tree is still there but I can't chop it



3- From time to time there's a continuous sound of boat rawing, even when I'm on land and/or still.



4- Some performance issue on some jungle turf with dense monkey population (I have a good setup)



5- During hurricanes season every shelter (palm leaf hut, umbrella, parasol, trees) makes the sound of "muffled rain" when it's not raining.

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I've also noticed

Werebeaver can gnaw a sand pile infinitely wheras you can only dig a sand pile a couple of times, don't know if that was on purpose.

Woodie sometimes gets stuck in werebeaver form even when the log meter runs completely down to 0.  If you save and exit you come back to the game as Woodie with no health, sanity, or hunger repercussions and all of the destruction from Werebeaver is till there. (which I've got noooo problem with XD)

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I have an issue where I start Dont Starve and no sounds at all play. This affects both my existing ROG game and any new games i make. No menu screen music plays or any ingame sounds. I would love to resolve this since I dont want to risk losing my existing ROG game by reinstalling, I put a lot of work into that SOB.

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I'm playing DS: Shipwrecked with my PS4 controller. As I've seen someone mention, there is no cook button on the crockpot or no way of making the pot cook things when playing with a controller.


In addition to this. I've noticed I can't loot the Steamer Trunk and the Trawl Net at sea. The Trawl Net eventually breaks and then I can loot anything that I've caught and that floats. I've tried clicking and dragging things and nothing seems to work to loot either of these items at sea.


I've read that these things work without the controller enabled, Though, it hurts my mouse using hand (nerve injury) to use the mouse for too long.



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Not a big issue, but the turf from the field biome (the green one with flowers and sweet potatoes) does not show in inventory. The numbers of turf I collect appear in the corner but the turf icon is invisible...

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After my crockpot/farms and chests burned because of a lightening strike, i hammered them down. Then I couldnt replace anything in that space. It was as if the game read that something was still placed in the area. I had to relog to fix it.

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I just had a very strange bug happen to me... infinite torch light floating above my head! It happened when I switched from a torch to a fishing rod just as the torch was about to burn out... I've got pictures if need be

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I'm playing DS: Shipwrecked with my PS4 controller. As I've seen someone mention, there is no cook button on the crockpot or no way of making the pot cook things when playing with a controller.


In addition to this. I've noticed I can't loot the Steamer Trunk and the Trawl Net at sea. The Trawl Net eventually breaks and then I can loot anything that I've caught and that floats. I've tried clicking and dragging things and nothing seems to work to loot either of these items at sea.


I've read that these things work without the controller enabled, Though, it hurts my mouse using hand (nerve injury) to use the mouse for too long.


I just discovered I have the same issue with the Steamer Trunk too. I can only open and close it. Can't move inventory cursor INTO the trunk though. Only with mouse and keyboard enabled could I loot it.


Similarly, you can't go from Cargo Boat inventory across to it's active slots. You have to go down into your own inventory, then across, and then up. For instance; you can't move a Boat Torch straight from the boat's cargo slots into it's "fixed"/"active" slot just by going directly right, across the slots.


Also, de-equipped items on the boat don't go back into their slots in the cargo section. Instead they go into your own inventory or backpack.


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