Fiddling about in the code. Need help!

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Hey. I've been messing around in the game's code for a while now (I'm sort of a beginner modder) and I've stumbled across something. I can't find where to change what you can find in the security dispatch safes.


I know how to mess about with guards, items, programs, what items monst3r sells, what you can buy in nanofabs and server farms, etc... but I just can't seem to find the file for the security dispatch item loadout.



The point is...

Does anyone know what file determines the items you find in the security dispatch lootable boxes?

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So I tried searching for both of the dispatch-exclusive items:


The Wireless Scanner - item_wireless_scanner_1


The Prototype Chip - item_prototype_drive


and other key words such as security, dispatch, wireless, scanner, prototype, drive, safe, etc.... No results in terms of locating the security dispatch. Any other suggestions?

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Yeah Shirsh is right. Items with floorWeight 3 or higher are automatically considered for security dispatches. Be careful though as changing these will also affect their spawn rate at stores. The closer the floorWeight is to the current day the more likely it is to spawn(so on day one tier one items are most likely to spawn while on day three tier three items are most common)

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 Be careful though as changing these will also affect their spawn rate at stores.

List of items for stores in scripts\sim\units\store.lua that's reason why prototype chip and some other items (wireless scanner, microslam apparatus) never shows in nanofabs.

If it needed to spawn one of store items without changing its "store day " it's easy to make copy, with same descriptions icons etc

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What's a problem? Just make two new items then, one with floorWeight = 3 for Dispatch and one for stores with floorweight =1 or 2 if you need it for some cheaty reason (or not too cheaty, I'd prefer to find Volt Disruptor I instead of III I guess).

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