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Nick's Opinion on DST caves!

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I feel that the caves look cool and things, but they still need work. Thats where we come in though with all our feed back and bug fixes things should start looking up. Caves in the current state whats the point of going down them? light bulbs a bat bat maybe? we already have a renewable rock source and gem source what do caves bring to the table of something new?

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what do caves bring to the table of something new?
 Well, there's lots of new stuff down there. But I still think that there should be New and Important things down there that you either need to survive long term or significantly increases your survival efficiency. cuz bunny/spider farms aren't really that important.
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Yeah, pretty much the only things you can craft that's caves only are Lantern, Bat Bat, Fur Roll, Rabbit Hutch and Moggles, plus having the ability to renewably use Miner hats (Fireflies should respawn!).

I guess fighting the Dragonfly with Bat Bats and pumpkin cookies instead of with Ham Bats and Dragonpies/pierogis would be interresting, but Bat Bats are hard to come by because the wings rot quickly and they're a very rare drop and each bat needs 5 wings, meaning it'd be faster to prep for the fly by using the old method, Fur rolls - same principle; puffs are a rare loot and bunny men aren't as easy to kill as pigs because they tank you and when on low health they run away, easier to simply make a tent in the middle of nowhere and sleep in it then break it or something and repeat (I actually never thought about doing this; I'll try that :D just gotta bring like half a stack of silk with me on exploration journeys!), Moggles are somewhat useful, though you wouldn't find them as necessary in caves as in ruins, since caves aren't really the "danger could be anywhere" type of world. And lanterns; you can pretty much live without them on the overworld. So the scenario's like this: "you need to go down in caves and get light bulbs to get an easier exploration in caves to get the same light bulbs..." it's a loop of a useless reason to go down the caves. None's gonna camp there for a long time, except for the sake of challenge.

I propose that for Batilisks and Bunnymen the Bat wings and Bunny puffs have a guaranteed drop so that their items would actually have a use and be worth the effort of going down in the caves. Perhaps renewable marble could be a reason to go down the caves, but marble suits aren't actually used as much for anything because we can do this thing called kiting!

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