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Truly character specific weapons?

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So It looks like most mods use this to make certain items character specific:

    inst:AddComponent("characterspecific")    inst.components.characterspecific:SetOwner("whatever")

In which I also use for my characters, But this seems to be no longer working. Tested with various character who also have this implemented also resulted in the same effect.


Did something happen and is there a workaround?

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@rons0n, Well, what kind of behavior do you want for character-specificity? As far as I know the "characterspecific" tag only figures into the system for dropping items when you leave that are characterspecific to other players.


Some examples of different behaviors you might want:

- Cannot be picked up by other characters (maybe not even visible to other players)

- Cannot be used/equipped by other characters

- Can be used/equipped equipped by other characters, but with some penalty that makes it generally not worthwhile (e.g. taking damage while equipped)


I don't believe there's any built-in system for handling these things, so you have to implement them yourself.

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@rezecib, Drats! I was hoping it was built in, thats how I usually figure things out. Isn't there anything in Waxwell journal that can help me? Since that journal cannot be used by other people but Maxwell himself(Atleast for the mod). Guess I can't spot it.


But yes, the first two things you mentioned are the behaviors that I wanted to implement to my items. I was hoping for "Just check within characters so-and-so and do that." Haha.

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@rons0n, Well, if you look at the modmain of More DST Characters, I wrote in the check for Maxwell as a patch, the game doesn't check yet by default (although it's likely Klei will add such a check when they add Maxwell officially). Only characters with a reader component could read the book anyway, so it was mainly Wickerbottom who could use it until I added the check.


You could try something like this: (this should make it get dropped when someone tries to pick it up)

inst.components.inventoryitem.onpickedupfn = function(inst, player)    if player.prefab ~= "mymodchar" then        player.components.inventory:DropItem(inst, true, true)        player.components.talker:Say("It seems to slip right out of my hands!")    endend
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@rezecib, This goes into the local function fn() within the item file right?


I tried this:

    inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")	inst.components.inventoryitem.imagename = "myitem"	inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/myitem.xml"	inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(OnDropped)	inst.components.inventoryitem.onpickedupfn = function(inst, player)    if player.prefab ~= "thecharacter" then        player.components.inventory:DropItem(inst, true, true)        player.components.talker:Say("It seems to slip right out of my hands!")    endend

And when that didn't work, I tweaked it a bit and still got the same results.

But nothing seems to have changed.

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@rezecib, I also tried that and did not prevail sadly.


local prefabs ={}local function OnUsed (inst)		inst:Remove()endlocal function OnFinished(inst)    inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("used")    inst:ListenForEvent("animover", inst.Remove)endlocal function OnEquip(inst, owner)     owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_knifethrow", "swap_knifethrow")    owner.AnimState:Show("ARM_carry")     owner.AnimState:Hide("ARM_normal") endlocal function OnDropped(inst)    inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle")endlocal function OnUnequip(inst, owner)     owner.AnimState:Hide("ARM_carry")     owner.AnimState:Show("ARM_normal") endlocal function OnThrown(inst, owner, target)    if target ~= owner then        owner.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/wilson/boomerang_return")    end    inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("spin_loop", true)endlocal function OnCaught(inst, catcher)    if catcher then        if catcher.components.inventory then            if inst.components.equippable and not catcher.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(inst.components.equippable.equipslot) then				catcher.components.inventory:Equip(inst)			else                catcher.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst)            end            catcher:PushEvent("catch")        end    endendlocal function ReturnToOwner(inst, owner)    if owner and not (inst.components.finiteuses and inst.components.finiteuses:GetUses() < 1) then        owner.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/wilson/boomerang_return")        inst.components.projectile:Throw(owner, owner)    endendlocal function OnHit(inst, owner, target)    if owner == target or owner:HasTag("playerghost") then        OnDropped(inst)    else        ReturnToOwner(inst, owner)    end    local impactfx = SpawnPrefab("impact")    if impactfx then	    local follower = impactfx.entity:AddFollower()	    follower:FollowSymbol(target.GUID, target.components.combat.hiteffectsymbol, 0, 0, 0 )        impactfx:FacePoint(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition())    endendlocal function fn()	local inst = CreateEntity()	inst.entity:AddTransform()	inst.entity:AddAnimState()    inst.entity:AddNetwork()    MakeInventoryPhysics(inst)    RemovePhysicsColliders(inst)	inst:AddTag("knifethrow")	    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then        return inst    end        inst.AnimState:SetBank("knifethrow")    inst.AnimState:SetBuild("knifethrow")    inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle")    inst.AnimState:SetRayTestOnBB(true)        inst:AddTag("projectile")    inst:AddTag("thrown")        inst:AddComponent("weapon")    inst.components.weapon:SetDamage(66)    inst.components.weapon:SetRange(TUNING.BOOMERANG_DISTANCE, TUNING.BOOMERANG_DISTANCE+2)	    -------        inst:AddComponent("inspectable")        inst:AddComponent("projectile")    inst.components.projectile:SetSpeed(10)    inst.components.projectile:SetCanCatch(true)    inst.components.projectile:SetOnThrownFn(OnThrown)    inst.components.projectile:SetOnHitFn(OnHit)    inst.components.projectile:SetOnMissFn(ReturnToOwner)    inst.components.projectile:SetOnCaughtFn(OnCaught)        inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")	inst.components.inventoryitem.imagename = "knifethrow"	inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/knifethrow.xml"	inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(OnDropped)	inst.components.inventoryitem.onpickupfn = function(inst, player)    if player.prefab ~= "shiki" then        player.components.inventory:DropItem(inst, true, true)        player.components.talker:Say("It seems to slip right out of my hands!")    endend	inst:AddComponent("characterspecific")    inst.components.characterspecific:SetOwner("shiki")        inst:AddComponent("equippable")    inst.components.equippable:SetOnEquip(OnEquip)    inst.components.equippable:SetOnUnequip(OnUnequip)		inst:AddComponent("finiteuses")	inst.components.finiteuses:SetMaxUses(90)	inst.components.finiteuses:SetUses(90)	inst.components.finiteuses:SetOnFinished(OnUsed)    MakeHauntableLaunch(inst)    AddHauntableCustomReaction(inst, function(inst, haunter)        local target = FindEntity(inst, 25, function(guy)            return not guy:HasTag("playerghost") and guy.components.combat        end)        if target and math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF then            inst.components.projectile:Throw(haunter, target, haunter)            inst.components.hauntable.hauntvalue = TUNING.HAUNT_SMALL            return true        end        return false    end, true, false, true)		    return instendreturn Prefab("common/inventory/knifethrow", fn, assets)

Seems like anyone can still freely grab and use the knife, maybe theres something odd in my prefab?

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Well, it actually doesn't go to your inventory, it goes into your active tool slot, onpickup doesn't cover that one.

Try holding something else that is not a knife, and then try picking up the knife, and you will see.



	inst.components.inventoryitem.onputininventoryfn = function(inst, player)		if player.prefab ~= "shiki" then			inst:DoTaskInTime(0.1, function()				player.components.inventory:DropItem(inst)				player.components.talker:Say("It seems to slip right out of my hands!")			end)		end	end

The DoTaskInTime is needed or else you will dupe the item. :-)

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@DarkXero, Thanks DarkXero, this is what I was looking after. Thanks for helping me you two! Now my characters can be nerfed into oblivion so I can continue balancing them out! If anything happens though I'll make sure to say something in this thread.


Yet again, thank y'all!

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Is it me or I'm just necro'ing my old threads all over the place.


Anyway @DarkXero your code worked wonderfully but after messing with it for a bit i got bumped into an error.

Whenever my specific item goes into my backpack(maybe containers too idk), my game crashes completely. Is there a remedy for that?

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So it looks like the Dev Team themselves fixed the issue today :razz:

Though I may be blind but I cannot see that in the recent update notes.


Just want to say thanks. /kill thread please


I wish my threads didnt bump anymore...

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