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Annoying Meteorites

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I wrote a script to clear the ground of stuff left by meteorites on my maze server, and it noticeably improves lag after I run it.


So it's actually a bit of a performance problem on long-lasting servers, but I suppose several other things are, too (spider dens multiplying, beefalo herds growing).


I think meteors fall a bit too often at the moment. You can essentially get all the rocks you need from a mosaic biome if it ends up with a meteor spawner in it.

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This was a big problem on my server, mind sharing/explaining? I'd love this.


I put it into consolecommands.lua (which occasionally gets overwritten in updates, so watch out for that):

function c_getAll(prefab, inst)    local x,y,z = ConsoleCommandPlayer().Transform:GetWorldPosition()    local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z, 9001)	local found = {}    for k,v in pairs(ents) do        if v ~= inst and v.prefab == prefab then            found[#found+1] = v        end    end	return foundendfunction c_clearGround(prefabs, probability)	if prefabs == nil then		prefabs = {	'flint', 'rocks', 'nitre', 'goldnugget', 'moonrocknugget', 'food_spoiled'}	end	if probability == nil then probability = 2 end	for i,p in pairs(prefabs) do		for k,v in pairs(c_getAll(p)) do			if (not v.inlimbo) and math.random() < probability then				v:Remove()			end		end	endend

It will clear the ground of the listed stuff if you just type c_clearGround()


Edit: Oops, it was calling c_getAll, another function I wrote, so I added that above

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It will clear the ground of the listed stuff if you just type c_clearGround()


Edit: Oops, it was calling c_getAll, another function I wrote, so I added that above


 AHHHH thanks so much! I'll try this out next time I log in. Awesome! 


Edit: It worked great, thanks for sharing. This will solve a lot of headaches ahah. 

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Are you still seeing this? We pushed an update several days ago that should have addressed it...


Not sure if you need to start a new world is the issue.

I have my 200+ day file and every now and again major lag spikes still occur.(mind you it is noticeably different by a long shot from before when even I, as host, was starting to poof around frame by frame)


I'm thinking that the meteor showers might need the same function as the beefalo in how often multiplication takes occurrence.

We've done our best to clear out what we can and leave the place alone again but it seems to happen still.


Also on a semi-related note, they seem to be spreading out farther and farther from their original destination points.

Not sure if they're suppose to be getting larger or what this is but the rocks went from appearing around the edge of the woods on the rocklands to now, they're encroaching on the base we have which is pretty far away.


My only thoughts is having the updates on meteor showers happen less frequently when you're not around the general area of the spawners.

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