Logs burn WAY too long now

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I dont mind this change tbh, 2 logs is enough to get the fire to max size currently. This makes sure that logs are a way better alternative to grass for fires, diminishing the use of grass, which got way too overused.

They could have toned down the burnability of grass, and they still might in the future, but i dont mind it this way.

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Charcoal seems to have an equivalent burn time to logs. I think they should reduce log burn time - maybe still better than it was (about a log per "hour") but certainly not 2 logs to burn for half a day. I could keep a fire going for a full 16 hour day with the number of logs it used to take me to get through the night. If they want something to be awesome at burning they should leave charcoal as the best (which it should be).

Frankly I don't know why people overused grass so much. I barely used it at all. I used it for campfires the first couple nights (before I found rocks) then I just made rope for spears and logsuits, built a few farm plots (eventually) and (super eventually) made a couple traps to gather feathers.

Rabbits are easier to kill than to trap and morsels are pretty crappy food anyway.

They should reduce grass burn time either way - grass is what you use to start a fire, not keep it going. Grass burns ridiculously quickly. It is a shitty fuel.

Dried dung is an excellent fuel, however, and should probably burn longer.

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Ah the clash between realism and ingame worlds. Altho it would be more intuitive if it resembled the real world i guess.

Morsels are the most efficient meat to trade with the pig king. Birds, gobblers and rabbits all give morsels and they stack up to 40. It is much easier to acquire a ton of morsels than to acquire a ton of meat. Bunny hunting with an axe has been nerfed recently and hunting with both the axe and traps is MUCH faster. Gathering the stuff for the traps takes a bit of time, but making 4 traps orso doesnt take long at all, and placing them without bait isnt very timeconsuming either. Then just attack a bunny and make all of the others run back to their holes and fall into the traps. 1 hit 5 morsels. It doesnt even matter if u scare the bunnies into their holes while placing the traps. The moment u move a bit away they peek out of their hole and get trapped almost instantly. Yesterdays hotfix also increased the amount of times u can use a trap, from 5 to 10. B4 this change i made 6 traps and went to a bridge. Not counting the walk it took me almost a day to get 30 morsels and 19 feathers. From birds. And bird catching is slower than rabbit catching. I dont think u can get to 30 morsels with just an axe in a bunny field in 1 day, just saying.

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I'll chime in by saying in recent days I always used grass to fuel fires and the reason was simple, I had 20x or so grass growing next to my camp. It was far more convenient for me to use this resource than wood. After all wood had other uses as well, like building pig houses while grass had more limited uses. I think it's good that logs help keep a fire going longer and maybe help encourage players to return to it (i.e. players like me).

In the recent survey on "grass usage" I gave it some thought and realized that grass was my #1 resource in terms of usage because of the camp fire, and then it's secondary usage in crafting torches and traps. But mainly for the firepit.

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Am I the only person who burned boards? 1 board used to last from the start of dusk till about 3/4 through the next day. Roughly three times longer then 3 wood, and you only had to interact with the fire once. I haven't played in 2 days due to work... Has this been changed too I wonder?

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